Welcome Movie App! This is a Single Page Web Application built on React, it allows users to interact with the data available on the Movie App RESTful API.
This is a portfolio project demonstrating advanced client side programming.
● Node.js
● React
● Babel
● Parcel
● React-Bootstrap
● React-Router
● Redux
● Netlify
● Allows users to log in with a username and password
● Allows new users to register (username, password, email, date of birth)
● Returns ALL movies to the user (each movie item with an image, title, and description) ● Filtering the list of movies with a “search” feature ● Ability to select a movie for more details ● Ability to log out ● Ability to navigate to Profile view ● Ability to add/remove movie from favourites
● Returns data (description, genre, director, image) about a single movie to the user ● Shows a list of similar movies to the user based on genre ● Allows users to add/remove a movie to their list of favorites
● Displays user registration details ● Allows users to update their info (username, email, date of birth) ● Displays favorite movies ● Allows users to add/remove a movie from their list of favorites ● Allows existing users to deregister
This app is deployed publicly at https://baz125myflix.netlify.app/