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Beam Web Wallet Starter Kit

Vadim Grigoruk edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

Beam Web Wallet Starter Kit [working draft]

Web wallet starter allows you easily integrate Beam with your service, create a bunch of wallets and manage them... (TODO)

Web wallet scheme

Browser + Key Keeper <==> Web Service (TODO: here will be detailed scheme).

Let's do a simple integration step by step with the examples.

Obtain binaries

You can download prebuild binaries from our server with nightly builds or you can build all the parts yourself, here are build instructions (TODO)

At the end, you need wallet-service-masternet, wasm-key-keeper.js and wasm-key-keeper.wasm

Load Key Keeper to the client

Put the code near wasm-key-keeper.js and start any static server.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	Module().then(() => console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`))

If all is OK you will see Key Keeper module successfully loaded. message in the browser console.

Connect to the Wallet Service

Run the service with the following parameters wallet-service-masternet -n --port 8080.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	Module().then(() => 
		console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`)
		let connection = new WebSocket('ws://')
		connection.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to the Wallet Servce.`)

We are using WebSockets here, because we need two-way communication with the service and service can request any keykeeper method, to sign transaction for example.

Init Key Keeper with a seed phase

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	Module().then(Module => 
		console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`)
		let connection = new WebSocket('ws://')
		connection.onopen = () => 
			console.log(`Connected to the Wallet Service.`)

			// generate seed phrase
			let seed = Module.KeyKeeper.GeneratePhrase()
			console.log(`New Seed: ${seed}`)

			// init Key Keeper with the seed phrase
			let keykeeper = new Module.KeyKeeper(seed)

Create wallet

To create wallet you have to call create_wallet jsonrpc api method with pass and ownerkey parameters.

	id:'<request ID>',
		pass:'<wallet password>'
		ownerkey:'<owner key>',

Here is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    Module().then(Module => 
        console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`)
        let connection = new WebSocket('ws://')
        connection.onopen = () => 
            console.log(`Connected to the Wallet Service.`)

            // generate seed phrase
            let seed = Module.KeyKeeper.GeneratePhrase()
            console.log(`New Seed: ${seed}`)

            // init Key Keeper with the seed phrase
            let keykeeper = new Module.KeyKeeper(seed)

            connection.onmessage = e => 

                let data = JSON.parse(

                if(data.result)     console.log(`Wallet is successfully created, your ID: ${data.result}`)
                else if(data.error) console.log(`error occured, code:${data.error.code} text:${}`)
                else if(data.method) connection.send(keykeeper.invokeServiceMethod(

            let walletPassword = '12345678'
            let ownerKey = keykeeper.getOwnerKey(walletPassword)
            console.log(`Owner Key: ${ownerKey}`)

            // create a wallet request
                jsonrpc: '2.0',
                id: 0,
                method: 'create_wallet',
                    pass: walletPassword,
                    ownerkey: ownerKey

Now, when you got your wallet ID, you can call any Wallet API method, like check status, create an address or do a transaction.

Open wallet

Open wallet with given ID and password.

	id:'<request ID>',
		id:'<wallet ID>',
		pass:'<wallet password>'
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