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Designing high temperature protein sequences via learned language processing


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Introducing variation onto protein sequences targeting high temperature stability via neural machine translation.

This work is associated with IN REVIEW. The preprint is available at XXX.

Installation for using the trained model

  1. Install the conda envorinment. Mamba is recommended for speed.
mamba env create -f environment.yml --name nomelt
  1. Install the in-house codebase, which includes a wrapper around the trained model, and components for estimating and optimizing over thermal stability:
pip install -e .
  1. Installation of pyrossetta is required to run mAF-dg predictor of thermal stability. This is not included in the conda environment, as it is not available via conda. See here for instructions on how to install pyrosetta. This step can be skipped if you only want to create variants of a protein or evaluate a library of variants.

  2. An alphafold container and dataset is also required to run mAF-dg predictor of thermal stability. It can be skipped if you only want to create variants of a protein or evaluate a library of variants. The setup for this is a little chaotic due to the format of our HPC cluster, which does not allow for docker containers. Thus the alphafold container had to be build after modification in Singularity. There are then multiple layers of configuration required. Sorry.

    • Clone and navigate to: This contains an old version of the AF code that we know works and some additional scripts to build a singularity container.
    • First, build the container SIF file using the def file in that repo Singularity.def. This will take a while. Use the standard singularity command: singularity build alphafold.sif Singularity.def
    • Download alphafolds databases if not already done. This is an extremely large dataset. See their repo:
    • Modify the ./ (Line 37) to point towards the SIF file created in the first step.
    • Navigate back to the NOMELT repo. Install the additional requirements in ./alphafold_reqs.txt with pip: pip install -r ./alphafold_reqs.txt
    • Modify the AF config file found at .config/af_singularity_config.yaml to point towards the alphafold database and the run_singularity python script from two steps above that runs the container, lines 2 and 5 respectively.
    • Finally, modify the NOMELT app config file at ./app/config.yaml to point towards the AF config file, under the key optimization: estimator_args: af_params. See the example below:
# Step 4: In Silico Optimization
  enabled: false
  estimator: mAFminDGEstimator
    af_params: ./.config/af_singularity_config.yaml # location of the alphafold config file
    use_relaxed: False

Installation for repeating the training and evaluation pipeline

Please first follow the installation instructions above. Then, follow the instructions below. We need some additonal non-conda packages for training and evaluation.


Needed for comparing tertiary structure. See installation instructions:

Environmental variables

If running the pipeline, please set TMP which specifies the location of temporary files will be created. Also set LOG_LEVEL to e.g. INFO or DEBUG to control the verbosity of the logs for the pipeline.


There are a number of sporadic config files floating around for different parts of the software, living in the ./config directory.

  • First is af_singularity_config.yaml which is used to configure the alphafold container such that the mAF DG method or single structure predictions can be used. The path variables here will need to be changed to match your AF executables after installation of AF. The other variables configure the AF2 calls and the values present are the ones used for this work.
  • ./config/accelerate/default_config.yaml contains the config for accelerate/DeepSpeed is used for training the transformer with ZeRO.
  • ./config/accelerate/data_parallel_config.yaml contains the config for accelerate/DeepSpeed when running predictions, since model parallel BEAM search has a hard time.
  • Both of the above need to match the number of GPUs being trained on. If this diverges, then the effective batch size will be wrong and the training may diverge from the behavior reported in the paper.

Usage, rerunning the pipeline

  1. The learn2therm dataset will need to be acquired. See here. After downloading, place the duckdb file learn2therm.ddb in the ./data directory as ./data/database.ddb Then execute dvc add ./data/database.ddb This will be tracked by DVC.

  2. Hypothetically, the entire pipeline can then be run with one command, assuming enough available resources by dvc exp run however it is recommended that individual pipeline steps be run in order with only the necessary resources. For example, data processing steps do not need access to GPUs. Runa single step by dvc exp run -s STAGE_NAME --downstream. You can see the names of stages by dvc status

Usage, using the trained model

A wrapper was created around the trained model to make it easy to use, including BEAM search, stochastic sampling e.g. producing many variants, optimization over suggested mutations, and zero-shot prediction. These are chosen by enabling different steps in the config file, see below for the different steps that you can run.

Acquire the trained model parameters from Zenodo:

After installation above, ./app/ can be used to interact with the trained model. What will be conducted is determined by the config file at ./app/config.yaml. Each section after the first in this yaml file can be enabled and configured.

The first section, model, defines hyperparameters for loading the model. You probably shouldn't change these.

Calling the script has the following signature:

python [-h] input output_dir model_path config_file
  • input is either a sequence or a library of sequences. If a sequence, it should be a string. If a library, it should be a text file with one sequence per line.
  • output_dir is the path to the output directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Results are dumped here
  • model_path is the path to the NOMELT model directory. This should be the directory containing the pytorch_model.bin file you got from Zenodo.
  • config_file is the path to the config.yaml file. This is the config file that controls the behavior of the script. See below for details.

The following subsections describe the steps that can be enabled.

To produce a single translation of an input sequence

This produces the most likely translation of the input sequence, on average, according to the model. Enable Step 1 and configure the number of beams and max length of the sequence. Input the input sequence as a string to the script. It produces an output file "beam_search_sequence.txt" with the translation.

To produce a large set of variants

This can be achieved in two ways:

Input the input sequence as a string to the script.

  1. In addition to enabling Step 1, enable Step 3. This will conduct an alignment between the translation and the input, discretize a number of mutations upon that alignment resulting from the differences, and create a library of permuations over those suggested mutations. It outputs a file "library.txt". Note, this writes all combinations of mutations, which can be VERY large, for example with 20 mutations this is 2^20 sequences. The output file can be many gigabytes. Use the next option if the NOMELT model suggests a large number of mutations.

  2. Enable Step 2. This creates a number of variants stochastically. The temperature, max difference in length between stochastic variants and the input, and the number of variants to create can be configured. One of NOMELT's failure modes is to reproduce the input sequence on BEAM searches. By setting a high temperature in this strategy, the model is more likely to produce variants that are different from the input, though no guarantee that the model makes a good set of suggestions. This outputs a file "stochastic_sequences.txt"

To evaluate a library of variants zero-shot

Instead of inputting a sequence, input a library of sequences. The first sequence must be the wild type sequence. The library should be a text file with one sequence per line. Enable Step 5. This will evaluate the library of sequences and output a file "zero_shot_scores.txt" where each line is the predicted score associated with the input sequence on the same line.

To conduct "optimization" over suggested mutations using an in silico estimator

This can be extremely expensive and requires multiple GPUs. As of Jan 2024, only the mAF-dg method has been used as a scorered and is suggested.

Enable Step 4. Configure the estimator to use, the number of trials in exploring the library, the type of sampler for choosing mutations to testm etc. This outputs a file "optimize_results.json" which contains the sequence, score, and predicted structure file of the best sequence found. It also outputs "trials.csv" which is a dataframe of all of the trials executed.

Manuscript plots

Some of the figures in the manuscript were created during the main pipeline steps, while others were created in notebooks.

  • Figure 1: located at ./analysis/figures/data_redundancy.png created in notebook ./analysis/dataset_stats.ipynb
  • Figure 2: located at ./analysis/figures/AA_propensities.png created in notebook ./analysis/probe_model.ipynb
  • Figure 3: located at ./analysis/figures/disulfide_logits.png created in notebook ./analysis/probe_model.ipynb
  • Figure 4: located at ./analysis/figures/estimated_shift_thermo_gen.png created in notebook ./analysis/dataset_stats.ipynb
  • Figure 5: located at ./analysis/figures/mAF_scores.png created in notebook ./analysis/compare_estimated_stability.ipynb
  • Figure 6: see repo
  • Figure 7: located at './data/plots/exp_tm_scores.png' created in script ./scripts/


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


This work was funded under NSF Engineering Data Science Institute Grant OAC-1934292.