๐ A minimalistic library for abstracting database operations
Adding clerk to your Go module is as easy as calling this command in your project
go get github.com/Becklyn/clerk/v4
clerk has builtin support for the following database engines:
- MongoDB - MongoDB is a document-oriented database
Support for any other engines can be added by implementing their supported operations.
Have a look at the MongoDB implementation in the /mongodb
directory as a starting point.
Being a minimalistic library, clerk only provides the basics. The rest is up to your specific need.
Each operation in clerk consists of a generic operation and uses an operator that is specific to the database engine.
The examples given below all use the MongoDB operators.
connection, err := mongodb.NewConnection(context.Background(), "mongodb://localhost:27017")
if err != nil {
defer connection.Close(func(err error) {
if err != nil {
databaseOperator := mongodb.NewDatabaseOperator(connection)
clerk.NewTransaction(databaseOperator).Run(context.Background(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Add operations that should be executed in a transaction here ...
return nil
database := clerk.NewDatabase("foo")
collection := clerk.NewCollection(database, "bar")
tOperator := mongodb.NewOperator[T](connection, collection)
The generic parameter T defines the data type which the operator can interact with. An operator has to be defined for each data type in use with clerk.
type Message struct {
Id string `bson:"_id"`
Body string `bson:"body"`
messageOperator := mongodb.NewOperator[*Message](connection, collection)
createCtx, createCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer createCancel()
err := clerk.NewCreate[*Message](messageOperator).
With(&Message{Id: 1, Body: "Hello World"}).
With(&Message{Id: 2, Body: "Hello Buddy"}).
if err != nil {
type Message struct {
Id string `bson:"_id"`
Body string `bson:"body"`
messageOperator := mongodb.NewOperator[*Message](connection, collection)
queryCtx, queryCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer queryCancel()
message, err := clerk.NewQuery[*Message](messageOperator).
Where(clerk.NewEquals("_id", 1)).
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Message: %+v", message)
messageOperator := mongodb.NewOperator[*Message](connection, collection)
queryCtx, queryCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer queryCancel()
messages, err := clerk.NewQuery[*Message](messageOperator).
Where(clerk.NewRegex("body", "^Hello.*$")).
Sort("_id", clerk.NewAscendingOrder()).
if err != nil {
for _, message := range messages {
fmt.Printf("Message: %+v", message)
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