This library provides file storage capabilities using the Becklyn DDD framework.
Command handlers and event subscribers must be enabled in the project. See becklyn/ddd-symfony-bridge documentation for how to set this up.
- Run
composer require becklyn/ddd-file-store
- Add the following to bundles.php:
Becklyn\Ddd\FileStore\BecklynFileStoreBundle::class => ['all' => true],
- There is a doctrine migration provided. Execute it by running
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- Add the following to services.yaml if the command handlers should log errors:
class: Becklyn\Ddd\FileStore\Application\CreateFileHandler
- { name: command_handler, register_public_methods: true }
class: Becklyn\Ddd\FileStore\Application\ReplaceFileContentsHandler
- { name: command_handler, register_public_methods: true }
Files are saved to the file store by dispatching CreateFileCommand and ReplaceFileContentsCommand through the command bus. Files are read by using the load method of the FileManager class. Files are deleted by dispatching DeleteFileCommand through the command bus. Files created by the library will be stored to %kernel_project_root%/var/becklyn-files folder by default. This can be changed through configuration.
To change the values of configuration options from their defaults, create a becklyn_ddd.file_store.yaml file in the config/packages folder with the following contents:
option_name: value
namespaced_option_name: value
- Type: string
- Default: '%kernel_project_root%/var/becklyn-files'
This is the folder where files will be saved to.