Original author: DiapDealer
Modification: BeckyDTP
A Sigil plugin that helps users manipulate/remove spans, divs and other elements based on their attributes (or lack thereof) in a nesting-safe manner.
NOTE: this plugin periodically checks for updated versions by connecting to this Github repository
- Sigil website is at http://sigil-ebook.com
- The Original TagMechanic plugin support thread on MobileRead: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=270639
First, clone the repo and cd into it:
$ git clone https://github.com/BeckyDTP/tagmechanicmod-sigil-plugin.git
$ cd ./tagmechanicmod-sigil-plugin
To create the plugin zip file, run the buildplugin script (root of the repository tree) with Python (2 or 3)
$./buildplugin (so long as buildplugin's executable bit is set, otherwise ... $python ./buildplugin)
This will create the TagMechanicMod_vX.X.X.zip file that can then be installed into Sigil's plugin manager.
From here on out, a proficiency with developing / creating Sigil plugins is assumed. If you need a crash-course, an introduction to creating Sigil plugins is available at http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=251452.
The core plugin files (this is where most contributors will spend their time) are:
> dialogs.py
> plugin.png
> plugin.svg
> parsing_engine.py
> plugin.py
> plugin.xml
> utilities.py
> config.svg
> plugin_utils.py
Files used for building/maintaining the plugin:
> buildplugin -- this is used to build the plugin.
> checkversion.xml -- used by automatic update checking (not yet implemented).
> setup.cfg -- used for flake8 style and PEP checking. Use it to see if your code complies.
(if my setup.cfg doesn't bark about it, then I don't care about it)
Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests (or just use it privately to experiment).
Files used for translations: > translations/template.ts
To any potential volunteer translators: There's nothing terribly complicated. Just a bunch of strings strings that probably won't be changing much (if at all) in the future. Contact me if you're interested in translating the plugin. The gist is this: fork the repo; copy the template.ts file (in the translations folder) to tagmechanicmod_(pl|es|fr).ts (or whatever your language's code is) and use Qt's Linguist to translate the strings. Then submit a pull request and I'll compile the language files for use in the plugin.
Licensed under the GPLv3.