JavaScript Notebook
This project is an interactive coding environment. You can write JavaScript, see it executed, and write comprehensive documentation using markdown.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Screenshots
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
This web application is developed to showcase knowledge of developing responsive and interactive webpages using Typescript, React and managing the state of the application using redux. The web app uses esbuild to bundle the user's code and also uses various libraries to do various things eg. displaying a markdown editor, code editor ,etc. This application is an interactive coding environment. You can write JavaScript, see it executed, and write comprehensive documentation using markdown.
Important Note: The link of this application takes you to a demo that is online. If you want to be able to save code and text for this application, You can use the npm package that I have published to npm and the local server will store and fetch code on your device.
- npm - 8.2.0
- React.js
- Typescript
- Redux.js
- Node.js
- Express
- esbuild
- lerna
- HTML - version html5
- git - version
- github
This is an interactive coding environment. You can write JavaScript, see it executed, and write comprehensive documentation using markdown.
Project is: Complete
- There is an issue currently with using hooks inside of function react components which can be addressed.
- Many thanks to Udemy for including the this project on their React and Typescript: Build a Portfolio Project Course.
Created by Behshad Babai - feel free to contact me via email! my email: