Peter Norvig asked some LLMs to "Write a Python program to list all the ways in which three distinct positive integers have a product of 108.". On 2024-10-19, I asked ChatGPT-4o, "Write a Fortran program to list all the ways in which three distinct positive integers have a product of 108, creating a subroutine with one argument that is set to 108 in the caller." It produced
program find_triplets
implicit none
integer :: n
n = 108
call find_combinations(n)
subroutine find_combinations(product)
integer, intent(in) :: product
integer :: i, j, k
print *, "Triplets of distinct positive integers with product ", product, ":"
do i = 1, product
do j = i + 1, product
do k = j + 1, product
if (i * j * k == product) then
print *, "(", i, ",", j, ",", k, ")"
end if
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine find_combinations
end program find_triplets
which gives the correct output
Triplets of distinct positive integers with product 108 :
( 1 , 2 , 54 )
( 1 , 3 , 36 )
( 1 , 4 , 27 )
( 1 , 6 , 18 )
( 1 , 9 , 12 )
( 2 , 3 , 18 )
( 2 , 6 , 9 )
( 3 , 4 , 9 )
A follow-up prompt, "The upper bounds of the three loops are product. Could you speed up the code by changing that?" produced a faster program
program find_triplets
implicit none
integer :: n
n = 108
call find_combinations(n)
subroutine find_combinations(product)
integer, intent(in) :: product
integer :: i, j, k, max_i, max_j
print *, "Triplets of distinct positive integers with product ", product, ":"
max_i = int(product**(1.0/3.0))
do i = 1, max_i
if (mod(product, i) /= 0) cycle
max_j = int((product / i)**(1.0/2.0))
do j = i + 1, max_j
if (mod(product / i, j) /= 0) cycle
k = product / (i * j)
if (k > j .and. i * j * k == product) then
print *, "(", i, ",", j, ",", k, ")"
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine find_combinations
end program find_triplets
Prompted to "change the program to use 64-bit integers so that it will work for larger values of product," it produced (with some printing added by me and a larger value of n used)
program find_triplets
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int64
implicit none
integer(int64) :: n
n = 108_int64**4
call find_combinations(n)
subroutine find_combinations(product)
integer(int64), intent(in) :: product
integer(int64) :: i, j, k, max_i, max_j, ntriplets
logical, parameter :: print_each = .false.
print *, "Triplets of distinct positive integers with product ", product, ":"
ntriplets = 0
max_i = int(product**(1.0/3.0), int64)
do i = 1_int64, max_i
if (mod(product, i) /= 0_int64) cycle
max_j = int((product / i)**(1.0/2.0), int64)
do j = i + 1_int64, max_j
if (mod(product / i, j) /= 0_int64) cycle
k = product / (i * j)
if (k > j .and. i * j * k == product) then
if (print_each) print *, "(", i, ",", j, ",", k, ")"
ntriplets = ntriplets + 1
end if
end do
end do
print*, ntriplets, "triplets found to decompose", product
end subroutine find_combinations
end program find_triplets
which gives output of
665 triplets found to decompose 136048896
in 0.03s on my PC and which matches the result of a Python code from (slightly modified) presented by Norvig
def find_triplets(product):
triplets = []
for i in range(1, int(product ** (1/3)) + 1): # The cube root of the product is the maximum possible value for i
if product % i == 0:
for j in range(i + 1, int((product / i) ** 0.5) + 1): # The square root of the product divided by i is the maximum possible value for j
if (product / i) % j == 0:
k = product // (i * j)
if k > j: # Ensure the integers are distinct
triplets.append((i, j, k))
return triplets
print_each = False
n = 108**4
triplets = find_triplets(n)
if print_each:
print("triplets:", triplets)
print(len(triplets), "triplets found to decompose", n)