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Online Knowledge Distillation using LipNet and an Italian dataset. Master's Thesis Project.

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This repository is dedicated to my Master's thesis project, in which I will implement online Knowledge Distillation (KD) on the LipNet model with an Italian dataset.

Project Overview

Online KD Implementation: the primary goal of this project is to apply an Online Knowledge Distillation technique described in the paper "Effective Online Knowledge Distillation via Attention-Based Model Ensembling" by Diana-Laura Borza et al. [1].

LipNet Implementation: this project is based on the Keras implementation of the method described in the paper "LipNet: End-to-End Sentence-level Lipreading" by Yannis M. Assael et al. [2], implemented by [3].

Reference: this project use a previous implementation of LipNet with an Italian dataset [4]. Please follow the instructions in this repository to use the new updated version of LipNet.


1. Getting started

First you need to clone the repository:

Then you can install the package (if you are using an IDE, you can skip this step):

cd OnlineKD-LipNetITA/
pip install -e .

Next, install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If an error occurs when installing the dlib package, install cmake.

2. Dataset ITA

This section will explain the process used to create the Italian dataset. You can skip this section if you do not want to build a custom dataset.

2.1 Sentences

An Italian dataset containing the following sentences was used in this project.

Sentence ID Sentence ID
Salve quanto costa quell' articolo? 0 Tutto bene, grazie. 10
È in offerta, costa 10 euro. 1 Prendiamo un caffè al bar? 11
Perfetto, vorrei comprarne due. 2 Certo volentieri, io lo prenderò macchiato. 12
Certo ecco a lei, vuole un sacchetto? 3 A che ora arriva il pullman? 13
Sì, grazie e arrivederci. 4 Dovrebbe arrivare tra qualche minuto. 14
Le auguro una buona giornata. 5 Quanto costa il biglietto? 15
Buongiorno, io sono Mario. 6 Purtroppo non lo so, però potresti chiedere all’autista. 16
Buonasera, io sono Mario. 7 Va bene, grazie lo stesso. 17
Piacere Luigi, come stai? 8 Prego. 18
Tutto bene, tu? 9

2.2 Building

To build the dataset, a video recording tool was used ( The videos have a size of 360x288 x 4s. Use the information provided in the repository and on the main page to replicate this work.

After collecting the videos for each subject, the dataset should be organised with the following structure.

│   ├─── 0-bs.mpg
│   ├─── 1-bs.mpg
│   └───...
│   └───...

Since 25fps videos are needed, and since the experiment was conducted by recording with several devices, the videos have to be converted to 25fps. To do this, run the change_fps/ script. Then you have to replace the videos in the DATASET folder with the newly created videos.

2.3 Forced Alignment

For each video, audio and text synchronization (also known as forced alignment) was performed using Aeneas.

After installing Aeneas, create a copy of the dataset and organize the folder as shown below:

│   ├──DatasetCopy:
│       ├───s1
│       │   ├─── 0-bs.mpg
│       │   ├─── 1-bs.mpg
│       │   └───...
│       ├───s2
│       │   └───...
│       └───...
│           └───...

Then, follow these steps in the terminal:

  1. Use the script alignment/ to create a txt file for each video, following the rules established by Aeneas.
  2. Use the script alignment/ to dynamically create the config file and generate the align_json folder in the ForcedAlignment directory.

After running the script, the ForcedAlignment folder will have the following structure:

│   ├──DatasetCopy:
│   │   ├───s1
│   │   │   ├─── 0-bs.mpg
│   │   │   ├─── 0-bs.txt
│   │   │   └───...
│   │   ├───s2
│   │       └───...
│   ├──align_json:
│       ├───s1
│       │   ├─── 0-bs.json
│       │   ├─── 1-bs.json
│       │   └───...
│       ├───s2
│       │   └───...   
  1. Finally, use the script alignment/ to transform each JSON file into an .align file with the following format:
0 46000 sil
46000 65000 Perfetto
65000 76000 vorrei
76000 88000 comprarne
88000 92000 due.
92000 99000 sil

The first number indicates the start of that word, and the second number indicates the stop. Each number represents the frame numbers multiplied by 1000 (e.g., frames 0-46 are silence, frames 46-65 are the word "Perfetto," etc).

Now, you will have the align folder in the ForcedAlignment directory.

2.4 Mouth extract

Before starting to extract frames and crop the mouth area insert the DATASET folder in the project folder and the align folder in Training/datasets/.

After, execute the script MouthExtract/ that return 100 frames for each video in a new folder frames.

Finally, split this folder in Training/datasets/train and Training/datasets/val using 80% for training phase and 20% for validation phase.

3. Training

In the previous section, we examined how to build our Italian dataset. Now, we will focus on the training process of the LipNet model, dividing it into two main sections: the Training Vanilla and the Training with Knowledge Distillation.

In the Training Vanilla section, we will explore how to train the LipNet model using the traditional approach without the use of Knowledge Distillation. This will provide us a basis for comparison to evaluate the performance of the model after the implementation of Knowledge Distillation.

Next, in the section Training with Knowledge Distillation we will explore how to train the LipNet model using the proposed KD framework.

If you are using a new dataset, please refer to the FAQ section to change the parameters.

The next table shows the details of the trainings carried out.

Training Details Best model
2023_10_26_09_22_27 LipNet vanilla 32 batch size V32_weights567
2023_10_28_11_30_29 LipNet-128 vanilla 32b N/A
2023_10_31_18_23_34 LipNet kd 16b KD16_weights590_peer_00, KD16_weights545_peer_01
2023_11_02_10_55_00 LipNet-256 vanilla 32b N/A
2023_11_04_16_41_41 LipNet vanilla 16b V16_weights598
2023_11_06_17_35_37 LipNet-256 vanilla 16b N/A
2023_11_06_17_36_26 LipNet-128 vanilla 16b N/A

3.1 Training Vanilla

To train vanilla models use the Training/ script. You can find the different models in Lipnet/,Lipnet/,Lipnet/

N.B. before running vanilla training, disable the on_batch_end method in Lipnet/

3.1 Training with Knowledge Distillation

To train the models use the Training/ script.


What do the parameters "absolute_max_string_len" and "output_size" mean?

These parameters appear in the scripts and in

# script

class LipNet(object):
    def __init__(self, img_c=3, img_w=100, img_h=50, frames_n=100, absolute_max_string_len=54, output_size=28):
# script

def train(run_name, start_epoch, stop_epoch, img_c, img_w, img_h, frames_n, absolute_max_string_len, minibatch_size):

absolute_max_string_len: is the maximum length of the sentences, including spaces, in the dataset. In the dataset used: len (purtroppo non lo so pero potresti chiedere all autista) = 54

output_size: is the number of letters in the alphabet (26) + blank + space = 28.


Online Knowledge Distillation using LipNet and an Italian dataset. Master's Thesis Project.







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