Welcome to Kitt! The teacher will now demonstrate how to work on an exercise.
The goal is to implement a function called circle_area
, which takes one parameter,
, and returns the area of the circle of the given radius. As a reminder,
here is the formula:
Open the demo.py
file and implement it!
There are 3 tests that you can run with the make
command from the terminal. Make sure the tests are all green before moving to the next challenge!
When make
is 'happy' and all green, do not forget to push to GitHub!
git add demo.py
git commit --message "Solved the first challenge of the bootcamp :)"
git push origin master
Shortly after your push is completed, GitHub will tell Kitt about this push thanks to a webhook.
Kitt will then pull your code, run make
and update your challenge status (completion + style score). You should also see how your buddy of the day is doing!