A more easier API handler to make POST-Request and other calls with an ordinary body instead of an JSON body until the bug is fixed from Artefactual. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/archivematica/IvkI4xScFTU
- Python 3
- Archivematica with Standard Paths
- Clone this project in /var/archivematica/
- cd Archivematica-API-Handler/
- sudo bash install.sh
- Edit credentials.py
- Edit constants for own directory structure
- New SIPs will be ingested 24h after inserted in a source subdirectory. Just in case you haven't copied all the files yet.
- Finished Ingests are deleted from the Ingest server after a waiting period of 30 days (not Archive Server) to free up memory.
- Python commands have to be executed in /var/archivematica/Archivematica-API-Handler/
- SIPs have to be stored in a sub directory like repo/ retro/ or ebooks/
- For more or other ingest folder edit constants.py:26-35 and install.sh:13-15
├── Archivematica-API-Handler
│ ├── apiHandler.py
│ ├── manualHandler.py
│ ├── constants.py
│ ├── credentials.py
│ ├── dbHandler.py
│ ├── help.py
│ ├── install.sh
│ ├── logger.py
│ ├── logs
│ ├── main.py
│ ├── processingConfs
│ ├── processingHandler.py
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├── sourceHandler.py
│ └── storage.db
├── sharedDirectory
│ ├── sharedMicroServiceTasksConfigs
│ ├── ...
│ └── ...
└── source
├── done
├── ebooks
├── failed
├── repo
└── retro
Start automatic ingest
python3 main.py
Start automatic ingest in debug mode
python3 main.py DEBUG
Print all commands with parameters
python3 manualHandler.py help
Start a new Transfer and approve it
python3 manualHandler.py start_transfer {'name for transfer'} {'type of transfer'} {'accession number'} {'foldername in source path'}
List all unapproved transfers
python3 manualHandler.py list_unapproved
Approve a specific transfer
python3 manualHandler.py approve_transfer {'type of transfer'} {'name for transfer'}
Get the status of an specific transfer by it's UUID
python3 manualHandler.py status_transfer {'uuid of transfer'}
Get a list of all completed transfers
python3 manualHandler.py completed_transfer
Hide a specific transfer by it's UUID
python3 manualHandler.py hide_transfer {'uuid of transfer'}
Get the status of a specific ingest by it's UUID
python3 manualHandler.py status_ingest {'uuid of ingest'}
Hide a specific ingest by it's UUID
python3 manualHandler.py hide_ingest {'uuid of ingest'}
List all ingests waiting for user input
python3 manualHandler.py waiting_ingests
List all completed ingests
python3 manualHandler.py completed_ingest