RECIPE APP API is a Django rest api web application that enables users to do the following: -
- Create authenticated users
- Perform CRUD operations on user recipes
- Apply various tags to recipes
- Add ingredients to recipes
- Add recipe images
- Filter their recipes by TAGS or INGREDIENTS
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- Docker
- Python
- First, ensure you have the following installed on your machine
- Python
- Docker Desktop
- Git
- Clone repo to your machine
git clone <repository URL>
- cd into the project directory
- Open the project in your desired IDE(e.g., Pycharm or VS code)
- Run the following commands
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the project dependenciesdocker-compose build
to build the projects docker image from the docker filedocker-compose up
to run the projects docker containers
- Then go the project URL
to view the API endpoints
I learned the following from this project: -
- How to properly implement REST API best practices
- How both a Django rest framework and Docker are used together
- How to dockerize a django rest framework web application
- How to authenticate and authorize users in a web application
- How to properly write and structure my unit tests
- How to properly implement TDD(Test Driven Development) in an application
- How to serve static and media files using Docker
- How to deploy a dockerized application to the cloud (AWS) etc.
On the start of the project, I already had a well-rounded knowledge of Django and Django rest framework but very limited knowledge on Docker and TDD(Test-driven development) These where the following issues I faced:-
- I had a hard time writing the project docker and docker-compose.yaml files since it was my first time using docker I had to google alot of docker command and basic synthax how to manage and configure my project dependencies and directories for development and deployment. Luckily, thanks to my googling and use of chatGPT, I manage to at least get the containers running with the right settings
- The concept of TDD was very foreign to me, it really changed my approach to how I built this application. The fact I had to thoroughly think about how my code shows work before writing tests was very difficult for me because I have never approached any of my projects like this before. So I had to research on TDD using alot of Django YouTube videos where the instructor showed their viewers how it's being implemented their thought process and all