AvgLib, stands for average library, is simple C++ library with feathures like Perlin Noise, File Watcher and Strings. My main focus is performance whilst delivering easy interface.
- Perlin Noise
- String management interface
- File Watcher
- Simple Content Pipeline
- More noise functions!
- Noise Fractals
AvgLib is built to be used directly in project and being compiled alongside it. So, usually you will want to create third-party
directory in your project files, place the source code of AvgLib there and in your Makefile use $(MAKE) path/to/AvgLib/Makefile
Also, do not forget to include the directory with -I./dir/to/AvgLib/include/
and link the library with -lAvgLib
, to tell where to find the static link library (.a file), use -L./dir/to/AvgLib/
The resulting compile command should then look like this:
${CXX_COMPILER} ${CXX_FLAGS} -o ${PROJECT_NAME} -L./dir/to/AvgLib/ -I./dir/to/AvgLib/include/ -lAvgLib
In your C++ code including <avg/*.h> should do the job.