- Templates: example presentations for different templates
- SnappyHexMesh: non-closed surfaces: Seminar on how to generate watertight geometries to use with OpenFOAMs SnappyHexMesh mesher
- OpenFOAM tricks & tips: debugging and VSCode intellisense: Seminar on using gdb, the GNU debugger, with OpenFOAM and an introduction to VSCode intellisense smart code completion
- A taste of OpenFOAM: a 30' guided tour: Short presentation to showcase the workings of OpenFOAM
- Fantastic methods and where to find them: automatic differentiation: Short presentation on the fundamentals of automatic differentiation and the applicability to mechanistic modelling
- Fantastic methods and where to find them: automatic differentiation: Short presentation on the fundamentals of automatic differentiation and the applicability to mechanistic modelling
- An advanced electrodialysis model in the Julia ecosystem: Short presentation on the fundamentals of automatic differentiation and the applicability to mechanistic modelling
- DifferentialEquations.jl: a differential equations suite you might actually like: A 5' presentation on solving differential equations in Julia compared to scipy.
- The lord of the rubber rings: the trilogy.: A tale on the quest for optimal experimental data on electrodialysis fouling. With the return of the Neural Differential Equation 🏹 to predict fouling
- A machine learning approach to model electrodialysis fouling: Neural Differential Equations to model electrodialysis fouling, a presentation for the Young Water Professionals conference 2020.
- Hybrid models: is divide and conquer the winning strategy?: BIOMATH seminar on combining mechanistic models with machine learning
A collection of oneslides presented at BIOMATH seminars. Mostly about tools I like to use