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React component library that provides a carousel with a wide range of options

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A React carousel with a wide range of options. See this for quick start examples.

Use Case

If you want to display multiple images/videos inside of a single carousel, this package will do that for you. It's not recommended to use this package if the videos are large in size, since this package uses the <video> tag to display items.

Getting starting

Any image supported by the <img> tag will work, and any video type supported by the <video> tag will work.

//import files to use from project (`/public` or `/src`)
import img1 from "./imgs/img1.jpg";
import img1Thumbnail from "./imgs/thumbnails/img1.jpg";
import clipHighRes from "./clips/1-high.mp4";
import clipLowRes from "./clips/1-low.mp4";

//import carousel
import { Carousel, CarouselItemProps } from 'react-thumbnail-carousel'

//items are of type `CarouselItemProps`
const items = [
      description: 'Simple Video Example', //displays in the thumbnail overlay (when applicable) and in item description
      srcMain: clipWithNoOptimizations
      srcThumbnail: clipThumbnail, //necessary for videos, otherwise no image is shown in the thumbnail
      description: 'Example of optimized video item when `itemDisplayLocation` is set to `above`/`below`',
      srcMain: {
        hiRes: clipHighRes, //this clip is used in fullscreen mode (1080p or higher res is generally best here)
        loRes: clipLowRes //this clip is used everywhere else (480p is generally the best here)
      srcThumbnail: clipThumbnail,
      description: 'Example of optimized Image item (i.e. has thumbnail)',
      srcMain: img1,
      srcThumbnail: img1Thumbnail,
      description: 'My Image with no Thumbnail (full image is used as thumbnail)',
      srcMain: img2,
      description: "Using itemStyles to Pass Style to Item's Underlying Tag (works with videos too)",
      srcMain: img3,
      srcThumbnail: img3Thumbnail,
      itemStyles: {
        objectFit: "cover", //image covers the available space (default is contain)
        objectPosition: "top", //image is positioned top (default is center)
  ] as CarouselItemProps[]

//instantiate Carousel with default options
<Carousel items={items} />

//instantiate Carousel with current item displayed above and some padding
<Carousel items={items} options={{
  layout: {
    itemDisplayLocation: 'above' //'below' is an option too
  container: {
      text: "This is a title",
      tag: "h4",
      style: {
        padding: '0 14px 14px 14px',
        backgroundColor: "rgb(29,14,11)",


Basic Carousel


Current Item Displayed Above


Current Item Displayed Below


Fullscreen Mode


Dynamic Carousel Options

Option fields that take the CarouselElementValue<T> type can be specified in a few different ways:

A simple value:

options: {
  layout: {
    itemDisplayLocation: "above",
// => current item is always displayed above the carousel

Based on viewport width (CarouselElementValueTuple<T>):

options: {
  layout: {
    itemDisplayLocation: [["above"], ["none", 900], ["below", 902, "min-width"]],
// => "none" when viewport <= 900
// => "below" when viewport >= 902
// => "above" otherwise (901 in this case)


Based on Viewing Mode (fullscreen or nonFullscreen):

options: {
  styling: {
    colorTheme: {
      colorOne: {
        fullscreen: 'red',
        nonFullscreen: 'blue',
// => "red" when fullscreen
// => "blue" when not fullscreen


Based on Viewing Mode and Viewport Width:

options: {
  styling: {
    colorTheme: {
      colorOne: {
        fullscreen: [['red'], ['green', 800]],
        nonFullscreen: [['blue'], ['purple', 800]],
// => "green" when fullscreen and viewport <= 800
// => "red" when fullscreen otherwise
// => "purplse" when not fullscreen and viewport <= 800
// => "blue" when not fullscreen otherwise


Item Customization

Video Items

Screenshot Viewer

Videos will have an embedded progress bar by default (change options.layout.isToolbarPositionedInVideo to false to move the toolbar below the video):



There are two ways to add sections to a video:

  1. Using Strings (i.e. specifying the start time of each section)

    video: {
      sections: [
        ["Section with a very long description that would overflow"], //always start at 0 seconds so can omit or use empty string to keep ts happy
          "Another section with a very long description that would overflow",
          "10:00",  //starts at 10 seconds
          "Yet Another section with a very long description that would overflow",
          "20:240", //starts at 20 seconds and 240 milliseconds
          "Even Yet Another section with a very long description that would overflow",
          "1:03:100", //starts at 1 minute 3 seconds and 100 milliseconds
  2. Using Numbers (i.e. specifying the start time of each section)

    video: {
      sections: [
        ["Ensuring Options are Correct", 1000], //1000 milliseconds long
        ["Selecting the Regular Expression to Use for the Site", 1000], //1000 milliseconds long
        ["Selecting the Save Location", 2000], //2000 milliseconds long
          "Downloading the All Files Recursively since Last Download Date",
          3000, //3000 milliseconds long
        ["Verifying the Downloaded Files"], //can omit last value (or enter any number to keep ts happy) since it will take up remaining space

Aspect Ratio

By default the aspect ratio of the item viewer is determined by the item with the largest aspect ratio. The item viewer is only displayed if itemDisplayLocation is not none, which is the default. If the aspect ratio is set to auto then the first item's aspect ratio is used. To change the aspect ratio:

options: {
  layout: {
    itemDisplayLocation: "below", //required to show the item viewer since default is none
  itemViewer: {
    aspectRatio: 0.33, //this would be 3:1



  1. Using a low-res version of the video (480p or lower resolution) will result in better performance for videos. The low-res version is used when not in fullscreen mode and itemDisplayLocation is not none. Sites like this one can convert your videos for free.

    const items = [
          srcMain: {
            hiRes: clipHighRes, //this clip is used in fullscreen mode (1080p or higher res is generally best here)
            loRes: clipLowRes //this clip is used everywhere else (480p is generally the best here)
      ] as CarouselItemProps[]

All Items

Optional Description Modal

  1. Using Built-in Modal Builder

    Each object is a section. If the section is section is code, use codeSection:

        modal: {
          sections: [
              title: "Specifying Custom Styles for an Item Based on Viewing Mode",
              text: "This item illustrates how to specify custom styles for an item based on whether the current viewing mode is fullscreen or not.  Here is the object used:",
              text: "Example: ",
              codeSection: {
                lines: [
                  `itemStyles: {`,
                  ` // these styles only apply when not in fullscreen mode`,
                  ` nonFullscreen: {`,
                  `  objectFit: 'cover',`,
                  `  objectPosition: 'top',`,
                  ` },`,
                  ` // these styles only apply when in fullscreen mode`,
                  ` fullscreen: {`,
                  `  objectFit: 'scale-down',`,
                  `  objectPosition: 'left',`,
                  ` }`,
                startTabCount: 1,
                tabSpacing: 15,


  2. Using JSX

        modal: {
          closeButtonTop: 25,
          children: (
                  marginTop: 8,
                  fontSize: 18,
                  padding: "0 30px 10px 0",
                Using JSX to Create a Modal (Avoiding Conflicts with Button by
                Adding 30px Padding to the Right of Title Div)
                  fontFamily: "Open Sans, sans-serif",
                You can use the <strong>modal.children</strong> field to pass in
                your own JSX for the modal.


Default Behavior

  • takes up the width of the container in which it resides
  • fits as many thumbnails into a page as it can based on the thumbnail size
  • spaces the thumbnails with a left-alignment (can be changed by setting options.thumbnail.spacingStrategy to max (example)).
  • for videos, when the toolbar is embedded in the video, the overlay hides after 2 seconds of no mouse activity or when the cursor leaves the video (similar to how Youtube videos work).
  • by default the aspect ratio of the item viewer is determined by the item with the largest aspect ratio. This is only relevant if itemDisplayLocation is not none. See aspect ratio examples for more details.


  • if the styling is not lining up properly, try wrapping the carousel in a div with a specified width value (e.g. 100% or 700px). Alternatively, you can use the


The story book is the best way to learn about customization options.


React component library that provides a carousel with a wide range of options






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