This project is an arcade-style game where you play the plucky captain of a merchant ship, dodging asteroids and pirate missiles in equal measure. The goal of the game is simply to survive as long as possible!
- HTML5 & Canvas, JavaScript
- JS Libraries: Keymaster, jQuery
- Firebase DB backend (highscores)
Using native JavaScript and HTML5 features, players can:
- Pilot the ship left, right, up or down using arrow or WASD keys
- Encounter two distinct kinds of on-screen menaces: asteroids, pirates
Object-Oriented Design: every object maintains information about its current state, including canvas position, velocity, sprite data, size, health, scoreValue and more. There is a clear chain of class inheritance, with most classes inheriting from the MovingObject class.
- This design is very modular and extensible - pirate ships and missiles were added in over the course of just a few hours.
- Objects share method names - such as draw or move - so that a single game loop handles drawing and animation as necessary
- Native Canvas methods used for animation - every asteroid is rotated through manipulation of the canvas context
- Explosions are drawn using regular canvas lines/strokes/arcs for purposes of experimentation; explosion size and length is determined by the health of the colliding object, resulting in bigger explosions for bigger/harder-to-kill objects
- Collisions are detected with a circle-collision method based on every object's image state data
Parallax background: the parallax background is a separate set of canvas objects that still use MovingObject methods; one hundred stars are drawn with random left velocities and random colors for maximum visual appeal.
class Star extends MovingObject {
constructor() {
let pos = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 800), Math.floor(Math.random() * 500)];
let vel = [-Math.random(), 0];
super(pos, vel);
this.state = {
color: STAR_COLORS[Math.round(Math.random() * 6)],
pos: pos,
vel: vel,
size: Math.random(),
Game design: for every ten asteroids destroyed, the game adds an asteroid to the field, ensuring increasingly difficult levels of play. Pirate ships are generated at set scoring intervals; pirate missiles start off with a very low left velocity, but speed up over time, thus allowing players to spot their trajectories and avoid them (or get in a chance to shoot pirates.)
Player ship and spaceport sprite credits go to MillionthVector at: Other sprite credits go to: Music found courtesy of Rolemusic: