It is everyones dream to buy a home. For someone who is thinking of buying a new house, this model aims to predict the house prices in the suburb of Perth. This data is analysed based on the available historical data of house prices in Perth.
- PredicationWeb: Files related to Webapp
- PredictionsAPI: Files related to Flask API
- Resources: raw csvs and data cleaning pandas notebook
- Tables: scripts to create tables
- Images: Images related to readme files
- ETL: Extract, Transform and Load files
- ML Prediction: Prediction files
- Final_Presentation_Project_4: Presendation document
- Project_4_Report: Final report
To run this project, following steps to be executed:
- Clone the repo using following command: git clone
- Open local postgresSQL and create database with name 'housing_db'.
- Execute the 'Perth_housing' and 'Perth_housing_filtered' files from the 'Tables' folders to create tables in housing_db
- Create .env files with the content in cloned repo and PredictionAPI folder with followig details in it: db_UserName= db_Password= and are the user's usernames and passwords for postgressql connection
- Execute the 'ETL.ipynb' file to load the data into database
- Execute the 'ML_Prediction.ipynb' file
- Import required libraries using following commands in PredictionAPI folder pip install SQLAlchemy pip install Flask-Cors pip install Flask pip install python-dotenv pip install -U scikit-learn
- Execute the '' file from 'PredictionAPI' folder
- Execute the 'HousingPrices.html' from 'PredictionWeb' folder or below URL for website deployed in Heroku Heroku deployed website:
Use the following link to access the web application in Heroku
Note: Please note that steps 1 to 8 in the above section (Execution of the code) should be executed before executing the heroku web app.
Bharat Guturi
Python - Libraries: Pandas, SQLAlchemy, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, flask
Jupyter Notebook
Database - PGAdmin (PostgresSQL)
Javascript - Libraries: d3, plotly
UI - Bootstrap, html, css
Import dependecies and the libraries
Transform tables to formal specification
Create the tables
Connect to postgres SQL database -> load data.
Formal specification to be created that defines the tables format can be imported into postgres SQL database.