Welcome to MusicAPI – a free, fast, and easy-to-use API that lets you fetch detailed song data, including song names, YouTube & Spotify URLs, audio files, thumbnails, and more! It's like having your very own personal music assistant, all wrapped up in a neat API package. 🚀
- 🎵 Get Song Data: Fetch all essential details like song name, thumbnail, duration, and more.
- 🔗 YouTube & Spotify Integration: Direct links to song videos on YouTube and audio streaming on Spotify.
- 📦 Audio Streaming/Download: Stream or download the song audio directly via a clean audio URL.
- ⚡ Fast & Cached: Once fetched, song data is cached to ensure faster subsequent requests, without relying on third-party APIs each time.
- 🌐 Web Interface: No coding required – use the built-in web interface to search and play songs with a few clicks. 🎶
- Request a Song: Send a request with a song ID to the API.
- Data Fetching: The backend fetches all song details (YouTube, Spotify, etc.) in real-time and stores them.
- Return the Data: The API responds with the song’s data, including URLs, audio file links, and more.
- Caching: The data is cached to prevent unnecessary API calls to YouTube and Spotify, making the system super efficient.
1. Request Song ID
- Endpoint:
- Method: GET
- Description: Provide the song name, and the API returns a song ID.
2. Request Song Data by ID
- Endpoint:
- Method: GET
- Description: Using the song ID, fetch detailed song information including URLs for YouTube, Spotify, and the audio file.
3. Request Song Audio stream by ID
- Endpoint:
- Method: GET
- Description: Using the song ID, fetch the audio data as a stream, incase the default audio_url doesn't work.
Want to try out the API without writing code? No problem! Just head to the bundled web interface and start playing songs in seconds.
👉 Visit the Web Interface: MusicAPI Web Interface
- Backend: Python
- Database: MySQL (for caching song data)
- External APIs: YouTube Data API, Spotify Web API
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (for the web interface)
- Speed: Enjoy fast responses due to intelligent caching of song data.
- Convenience: Fetch everything you need with just one request. No more manual searching on YouTube or Spotify.
- Free to Use: As an open-source project, MusicAPI is free. 🎉
- Fully Integrated: Get all your music info (audio, video, metadata) in a single place.
For any issues or support, feel free to open an issue in the GitHub repository.
With MusicAPI, music just got a whole lot easier to access. Enjoy listening, streaming, and sharing! 🎶✨