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The JavaScript solutions for LeetCode problems.


Table of Contents

Problems 001-050

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# Title Solutions Time Space Comments
1 Two Sum JavaScript(72ms) O(N) O(N)
2 Add Two Numbers JavaScript(260ms) O(Max(N, M)) O(1)
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters JavaScript(240ms) O(N) O(1) C# use array will slower
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays JavaScript(128ms) O(Log(N+M)) O(1)
5 Longest Palindromic Substring JavaScript(128ms) O(N) O(N) Use Manacher's Algorithm
6 ZigZag Conversion JavaScript(188ms) O(N) O(N)
7 Reverse Integer JavaScript(129ms) O(1) O(1)
8 String to Integer (atoi) JavaScript(122ms) O(1) O(1)
9 Palindrome Number JavaScript(315ms) O(1) O(1)
10 Regular Expression Matching JavaScript(276ms) O(N*M) O(N*M)
11 Container With Most Water JavaScript(80ms) O(N) O(1)
15 3Sum JavaScript(128ms) O(N2) O(M) For Python solution, use count to reduce time to O(min(N, M2)) and space to O(M)
31 Next Permutation JavaScript(76ms) O(N) O(1)
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array JavaScript(68ms) O(N) O(1)
42 Trapping Rain Water JavaScript(80ms) O(N) O(1)

Problems 051-100

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# Title Solutions Time Space Comments
53 Maximum Subarray JavaScript(72ms) O(N) O(1)
56 Merge Intervals JavaScript(88ms) O(NLogN) O(1)
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram JavaScript(84ms) O(N) O(N)
85 Maximal Rectangle JavaScript(88ms) O(N*M) O(M)

Problems 101-150

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# Title Solutions Time Space Comments
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock JavaScript(80ms) O(N) O(1)
127 Word Ladder JavaScript(120ms) O(N*M) O(N*M) Bidirectional BFS

Problems 151-200

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# Title Solutions Time Space Comments
199 Binary Tree Right Side View JavaScript(76ms) O(N) O(h)
200 Number of Islands JavaScript(96ms) O(N*M) O(N*M)

Problems 201-250

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# Title Solutions Time Space Comments
238 Product of Array Except Self JavaScript(92ms) O(N) O(1)

Problems 301-350

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# Title Solutions Time Space Comments
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses JavaScript(80ms) O(2N) O(N)

Problems 551-600

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# Title Solutions Time Space Comments
560 Subarray Sum Equals K JavaScript(120ms) O(N) O(1)


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