- Version of LLVM-3.5.0: If you have this version, you can skip installation of LLVM. We need to download Clang
source code (.sig)
,LLVM source code (.sig)
,Compiler RT source code (.sig)
. Then UnZipLLVM source code
and renameclang
, UnZipCompiler RT source code
andmake install
need more than one hour.
# cp -rf clang llvm-3.5.0/tools
# cp -rf compiler-rt-3.5.0.src llvm-3.5.0/projects
# cd llvm-3.5.0
# mkdir build
# cd build
# cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86" ../
# make -j 4
# sudo make install
- Install Deptaint
# git clone https://github.com/BinLeeBit/DepTaint
# cd DepTaint
# mkdir bin obj
# sudo make
2. Run (select the test: ex6)
- Translate
to the Intermediate Representation(IR)
# clang -emit-llvm -c -g ex6.c -o ex6.bc
- (Optional) Translate binary IR(.bc) to readable type(.ll)
# llvm-dis ex6.bc
- Use Deptaint to analyze IR. You can get a program dependence gragph
file and a taint variabletxt
# opt -load ./bin/pdg.so -dot-pdg ex6.bc