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a simple dependency-injection python library, which implemented with pure python and meta-programming. It is non-invasive and progressive to refactor your code without learning complex concepts.
pip install easy-ioc
- See the example below. Basically, you always need to manually pass dependencies of class to the constructor of class. And constructor should set instance attribute from parameters. It wastes lots of time and coupling instances each other.
- lazy-compute defer initialization of instance after dependencies injected. Therefore, constructor just focus on initialization.
Meta-programming is key of how to make a class. easy-ioc use meta-programming to save the dependencies of class inside. It cost little performance to achieve. When you try to figure out the map of your project, easy-ioc can generate the flat tree of dependencies. Then you can inject all dependencies you need.
If you're still using 2.7. Pull origin and checkout branch python2.7. And for python version greater 3 but lower 3.5, you just need to remove typing in easy_ioc.inject.
the inject function create an Injectable instance which help you access own dependencies correctly. Different instance share same dependencies map, but access own dependencies privately.
It is not just easy to be tested. It makes testing much easier. Think about use case as below
- a mono-repo application, need connecting db or loading config from file.
- an async application, an async object dependent on other async object.
# example/todo_without_ioc.py
import random
import logging
class DB(object):
def __init__(self,url):
def find(self, index):
return self
def delete(self, index):
return self
def update(self, index):
return self
def get(self, index):
return self
class SQLite(DB):
def __init__(self, url):
logging.info("using SQLite with {}".format(url))
class Mongo(DB):
def __init__(self,url):
super(Mongo, self).__init__(url)
logging.info("using MongoDB with {}".format(url))
class TokenLibrary(object):
def __init__(self, use_openssl):
logging.info('{}using openssl '.format('not ' if not use_openssl else ''))
def generate(self, index, expire_time):
return b''.join([chr(random.randint(65, 90)).encode() for i in range(64)])
class LoginModule(object):
def __init__(self, db, token_library):
self.db = db
self.token_library = token_library
logging.info("using {} and {}".format(db, token_library))
def get_token(self, user_id, password):
if self.db.find(user_id, password=password):
return self.token_library.generate(user_id, expire_time=7200)
class TodoModule(object):
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
logging.info("using {}".format(db))
def add(self, todo):
def delete(self, todo):
def update(self, todo):
def get(self, user):
return self.db.find(user=user.id)
class TodoService(object):
def __init__(self, todo_module, login_module, vip_login_module):
self.todo_module = todo_module
self.login_module = login_module
self.vip_login_module = vip_login_module
super(TodoService, self).__init__()
def new_todo_service():
user_db = Mongo('https://user.mongo.local:27017'),
todo_db = SQLite(':memory:')
token_library = TokenLibrary(False)
openssl_token_library = TokenLibrary(True)
login_module = LoginModule(user_db, token_library)
vip_login_module = LoginModule(user_db, openssl_token_library)
todo_module = TodoModule(todo_db)
return TodoService(todo_module, login_module,vip_login_module)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# example/todo_with_ioc.py
from example.todo_without_ioc import SQLite, TodoModule, TodoService, LoginModule, TokenLibrary,DB
from easy_ioc import Container, inject
from example.dependencies import dependencies
import logging
import io
class LoginModuleContainer(LoginModule, Container):
user_db = inject(DB) # using DB, the parent class as interface
token_library = inject(TokenLibrary)
def __init__(self):
super(LoginModuleContainer, self).__init__(self.user_db, self.token_library)
class TodoModuleContainer(TodoModule, Container):
todo_db = inject(DB) # using DB, the parent class as interface
def __init__(self):
super(TodoModuleContainer, self).__init__(self.todo_db)
class TodoServiceContainer(TodoService, Container):
todo_module = inject(TodoModuleContainer) # type: TodoModuleContainer
vip_login_module = inject(LoginModuleContainer) # type: LoginModuleContainer
login_module = inject(LoginModuleContainer) # type: LoginModuleContainer
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.host = host
self.port = port
# If you're using python doesn't support typing
# you can add comment like upper to help ide or editor to know what type should be
# or assert with isinstance(attr,type), and it won't raise AssertionError.
# Because it raises an DependencyError before assert isinstance
# this library also can use in python2.7(not tested under lower version)
# it can use to refactor project too old too coupled by each module
super(TodoServiceContainer, self).__init__(self.todo_module, self.login_module)
def new_todo_service():
file = io.StringIO()
# what file read should be as below
# dependencies = {
# "container": {
# "TodoServiceContainer": {
# "host": None,
# "port": None
# },
# "TodoServiceContainer.todo_module": {},
# "TodoServiceContainer.vip_login_module": {},
# "TodoServiceContainer.login_module": {}
# },
# "container_dependencies": {
# "TodoServiceContainer.todo_module.todo_db": None,
# "TodoServiceContainer.vip_login_module.user_db": None,
# "TodoServiceContainer.vip_login_module.token_library": None,
# "TodoServiceContainer.login_module.user_db": None,
# "TodoServiceContainer.login_module.token_library": None
# }
# }
# I updated the dependencies as example/dependencies.py like below
# from example.todo_without_ioc import SQLite, TokenLibrary, Mongo
# import logging
# logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
# todo_db = Mongo('https://user.mongo.local:27017')
# vip_db = Mongo('https://vip-user.mongo.local:27017')
# user_db = SQLite(':memory:')
# token_library = TokenLibrary(use_openssl=False)
# openssl_token_library = TokenLibrary(use_openssl=True)
# host = "localhost"
# port = 8080
# dictionary of children of container is the keyword arguments of class consturtor
# value of container_dependencies is the instance dependencies
# dependencies = {
# "container": {
# "TodoServiceContainer": {
# "host": host,
# "port": port
# },
# "TodoServiceContainer.todo_module": {},
# "TodoServiceContainer.login_module": {},
# "TodoServiceContainer.vip_login_module": {}
# },
# "container_dependencies": {
# "TodoServiceContainer.todo_module.todo_db": todo_db,
# "TodoServiceContainer.login_module.user_db": user_db,
# "TodoServiceContainer.login_module.token_library": token_library,
# "TodoServiceContainer.vip_login_module.user_db": vip_db,
# "TodoServiceContainer.vip_login_module.token_library": openssl_token_library
# }
# }
# let's inject the dependencies
return TodoServiceContainer.inject(dependencies)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# all dependencies were injected into service
service = new_todo_service()