"Yan Gui, Bingqing Zhou, Jianming Zhang, Cheng Sun, Lingyun Xiang, Jin Zhang. Learning Interactive Multi-Object Segmentation through Appearance Embedding and Spatial Attention, Submitted to IET Image Processing, 2021."
Overall architecture of Interactive Multi-Object Segmentation Network, as shown below.
experimental result data (.xlsx) in our paper:experimental_results.zip
2.1 Download model file, and put it to models
## 1. create conda virtual env.
conda create -n mos python=3.6
## 2. activate conda virtual env.
conda activate mos
## 3. install pytorch, reference url: https://pytorch.org.
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
## 4. install other dependent packages.
conda install matplotlib=3.2 opencv-python scikit-learn yacs loguru tensorboard
## 5. select GPU or CPU to inference.
modify the value of "device_num" in file "./demo/args.py", for CPU,set "device_num" to number less than 0, for GPU, set "device_num" to the Number of GPU.
## 6. into the workspaces of demo.
cd ./demo
## 7. run demo app by python file. (if you use ssh connect linux server to run deme app, you can skip this step, see 7-th step).
python demo.py
## 8. run demo app by jupyter notebook (you need run `conda install -c conda-forge notebook` to install jupyter notebook), and then run the last cell of `Demo.ipynb`.
How to Segmentation, you can see chapter 2.3
- mouse:
- [left button]:interacte
- [right button]:cancel last interactation
- keyboard:
- [number key, include 1-9]: n-th object mark
- ['p' key]: predict result when not in "auto predict" mode
- ['ctrl' + 'alt' + 's' key]:save result inlcude predict label, embedding map(random projection), visual attention map
- ['c' key]: change mode, 'auto predict' or 'press 'p' to predict'
- ['b' key]: change to before image
- ['a' key]: change to after image
- ['r' key]: reset interaction
3.1 Download VOC2012 dataset and extract files
wget -c http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2012/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
tar -xvf VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
setting the path of voc2012 and whether use GPU in ./config/MOS.yaml
. (Tips: On this file, you can change the configuration of dataset, loss, network and so on.)
# line 8-9
GPU: 0
# line 21
python main.py -c ./config/MOS.yaml
# 1. install refernece package
pip install tqdm pandas openpyxl
# 2. setting the path of VOC2012 to 'voc_root_dir' on 'generate_interactive_pairs_voc.py'
# 3. run generate_interactive_pairs_voc.py
python generate_interactive_pairs_voc.py
# 1. setting the path of VOC2012 to 'voc_root_dir' on 'test_voc_singal_object.py'(Our-S) or 'test_voc_mutli_object.py'(Our-M)
# 2. setting the path of interaction generated to 'interactives_dir' on 'test_voc_singal_object.py'(Our-S) or 'test_voc_mutli_object.py'(Our-M)
# 3. test Our-S
python test_voc_singal_object.py
# 4. test Our-M
python test_voc_mutli_object.py
# 1. download GrabCut dataset and extract files
wget -c https://github.com/saic-vul/fbrs_interactive_segmentation/releases/download/v1.0/GrabCut.zip
unzip GrabCut.zip
# 2. modify folder name of image and gt
mv data_GT images
mv boundary_GT masks
# 3. setting the path of GrabCut to 'datasets_root_dir' on 'generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 4. setting the dataset name to 'datasets' list on 'generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py'.
# 5. run 'generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py' to genrate interaction.
python generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py
# 6. setting the path of interaction generated to 'interactives_dir' on 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 7. setting the path of GrabCut to 'dataset_root_dir' on 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 8. setting the path of result to 'out_dir' on 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 9. run 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py' to test
python test_grabcut_berkeley.py
# download GrabCut dataset and extract files
wget -c https://github.com/saic-vul/fbrs_interactive_segmentation/releases/download/v1.0/Berkeley.zip
unzip Berkeley.zip
# 2. setting the path of Berkeley to 'datasets_root_dir' on 'generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 3. setting the dataset name to 'datasets' list on 'generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py'.
# 4. run 'generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py' to genrate interaction.
python generate_interactive_pairs_grabcut_berkeley.py
# 5. setting the path of interaction generated to 'interactives_dir' on 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 6. setting the path of Berkeley to 'dataset_root_dir' on 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 7. setting the path of result to 'out_dir' on 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py'
# 8. run 'test_grabcut_berkeley.py' to test
python test_grabcut_berkeley.py
The following table contains some datasets for interactive image segmentation,and the table is derived from saic-vul/ritm_interactive_segmentation.
Dataset | Description | Download Link |
ADE20k | 22k images with 434k instances (total) | official site |
OpenImages | 944k images with 2.6M instances (total) | official site |
MS COCO | 118k images with 1.2M instances (train) | official site |
LVIS v1.0 | 100k images with 1.2M instances (total) | official site |
COCO+LVIS* | 99k images with 1.5M instances (train) | original LVIS images + our combined annotations |
SBD | 8498 images with 20172 instances for (train) 2857 images with 6671 instances for (test) | official site |
Grab Cut | 50 images with one object each (test) | GrabCut.zip (11 MB) |
Berkeley | 96 images with 100 instances (test) | Berkeley.zip (7 MB) |
DAVIS | 345 images with one object each (test) | DAVIS.zip (43 MB) |
Pascal VOC | 1449 images with 3417 instances (validation) | official site |
COCO_MVal | 800 images with 800 instances (test) | COCO_MVal.zip (127 MB) |
Email: bingqiangzhou@qq.com (Bingqiang Zhou)