A fast and accurate fine-grained taxonomy-specific FDR assessment tool to control the FDR separately for peptides in different taxonomic ranks. The details are available in FineFDR: Fine-grained Taxonomy-specific False Discovery Rates Control in Metaproteomics.
- python == 3.9
- 2 GB availbale RAM or above
- FineFDR config file for FDR control: An example config file is provided as fconfig.cfg.
# Decoy Pre-fix
# FDR at PSM level
# FDR at Peptide level
# FDR at Protein level
# The path to comet search result folder
# Mehod: "C" for Comet (e-value), "CP" for Comet + Percolator (Percolator score)
# Path to the taxonomy database file
# The path to the percolator search result target pin file
# The path to the percolator search result decoy pin file
# The path for the output result
- Sipros-Ensemble config file for protein assembly: An example config file is provided as SiprosConfig.cfg.
python fdr_main.py [your config file]
For example,
python fdr_main.py fconfig.cfg
Download the human gut microbial complex via the PRIDE repository PXD006118. We will call the toy example HG in short.
Or, download its database result directly (https://github.com/Biocomputing-Research-Group/FDR/blob/main/toy_example.7z). And, extract files.
Search the seleted database using Comet release 2022.01 rev.0 (We will provide support for more search engines in the future releases).
The sample results for HG in .pin and .txt format are provided.
Rerank the search result using Percolator v3.05 (We will provide support for more post-search tools in the future releases).
The sample results for HG in .pin format are provided.
Create a taxonomy database file file in the following format:
Protein + /t + Species + /n
Protein + /t + Species + /n
Protein + /t + Species + /n
The taxonomy database for HG are provided.
The list of input files:
Files | Description |
*.txt | Comet search results in txt format |
*.pin | Percolator re-ranked result in pin format |
*.tsv | Taxonomy database file |
*.fasta | Database |
The details of output files:
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at Xuan.Guo@unt.edu.