NearBuy is a local marketplace Android application that bridges the gap between buyers and nearby sellers, offering a personalized and seamless shopping experience.
- Secure registration for buyers and sellers using Firebase Authentication.
- User-friendly interface to onboard new users.
- Database-driven design allows layouts and content to be managed dynamically.
- Image Slide Carousels to showcase top deals and featured products.
- Multiple product views, including:
- Horizontal scroll lists
- Grid view for easy browsing
- Tailored suggestions based on user activity and location.
- Enhances user experience with relevant product recommendations.
- Find sellers and products near the user’s current location.
- Ensures fast and convenient shopping.
- Direct call functionality to connect with sellers.
- Pre-filled WhatsApp messages to simplify communication.
Showcasing the modern design and image carousel.
Secure registration for buyers and sellers.
Adding Products you want to sell nearby.
Detailed view of a product with options to connect with the seller. Call or WhatsApp integration for direct communication.
- Java
- Android Studio
- Postman
- Firebase (Authentication, Firestore)
- Git
- Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Connect to Firebase for Authentication and Firestore.
- Build and run the app on your device or emulator.
- Bishal Das - Android Developer
Feel free to reach out for suggestions or collaboration opportunities!