Charity Hub is a platform to connect people to charities. The goal of our platform is to make it easier for people to connect and contribute to a variety of causes by linking them to various different charitable organizations.
By clicking the link in the description you can see the deployment of our project, it has a brief landing page which shows the name of our platform, what we're about and how to contact us. On the nav-bar you can see varying links which take you to the charity list page, where you can click to view information on the charities displayed, and the donation page where you can directly send a donation.
The project is built with react. We used css,js and html as well as a lot of bootstrap for the document styling.
To run the project localy you first have to clone it into your repo with the [git clone] command in the terminal withen the directory you wish for the repo to go into then procceed to run the [npm install] [npm start] commands within the cloned repo. Npm install is to install the react dependencies and npm start is to start the project up locally.