This is an experiment in procedurally generating complex, organized, and (hopefully) believable rooms (and perhaps other structures) inspireed by the body plan organization of bilaterian animals and the HOX genes which influence the overall plan.
Currently this is in very early development. Step one is to create a system that will build such structures from supplied prefabs and related data. Once that is working well step two will be to fill in the details from more general templates allowing variations or even entirely new types if done right.
It is not expected to be good for all types of rooms and areas, but hopefully be good for a wide ranges of them. For insight into the idea, think of a trilobite and a church sanctuary, and how on a certain deep level they are structured similarly: A head region (with either eyes and mouth, or a pulpit and altar), a series of small segments (with either legs or pews), and a tail area (with not much going one). Now think of a barracks with rows of beds. Turn off symmetry, and immagine with bathroom stalls or bowling lanes. The possibiliies are endless, though, admittedly, far from all incompasing.
This is also likely to more powerful and ultimately simpler than coding special rules for individual prefab types.
NOTE: This idea jumped into my head while at the park and I felt like working on it. However, I have less time and energy than I use to, and am often sleep deprived. Also, doubt I'd ever have a use for it, as I'm not really interested in make games with heavy roaguelike elements in the future. So when or if I actually finish it, or work on it more in general, I do not know.