This project contains libraries for different purposes. Below are short descriptions to each library. (Check out the Wiki for more information to each library)
Contains classes for logging to a file. Hooking up a control to the "IConsole" interface allows to catch the logged strings and output them for example into a textbox.
See the Wiki for more details.
Custom SQLite API which handles communication between database and application. Contains functions to allow ALTER TABLE as SQLite doesn't support it.
Current features:
- CREATE/ALTER/DROP TABLE: SQLiteManager does this automatically for every table
- Import/Export SQL: via their respective methods in Database class
- INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE: via DatabaseEntry class
- SELECT: via DatabaseEntry class, returns a ResultSet object. Can also accept a Condition object to filter results
- Relationship tables: Automatically generates relationship tables and updates them when configured
See the Wiki for more details.
Provides classes for WPF data binding (MVVM). Additionally you can observe objects and collections of type VeryObservableCollection to detect unsaved changes. (For example when providing a form to edit data)
Current features:
- ViewModelBase: A base class for ViewModels.
- VeryObservableCollection: Extension for ObservableCollection objects with optional Observer support
- VeryObservableStackCollection: Extension of VeryObservableCollection. Additional field "limit" allows limiting of items.
- Observer & ObserverManager: Classes for context-based change detection. Works on primitive types, custom classes and VeryObservableCollection.
See the Wiki for more details.
Overrides some of the classes from Tasty.ViewModel to add the JSONIgnore flag to properties. Requires Newtonsoft.Json dependency!
See the Wiki for more details.
Contains documented examples for the libraries above.
Contains simple base classes and methods for testing
Contains tests for Tasty.SQLiteManager
Contains tests for Tasty.ViewModel
Not implemented yet!
Extension for Tasty.Logging which allows the Windows cmd to display text in every possible color. (Uses Colorful.Console)
Extension for Tasty.Logging. Can be used with to send error reports to developer.