This Rproject contains the scripts and data necessary to produce the methods, procedure, and results for Black Thrive Global's National Stop and Search analysis.
The aim of this analysis is to quantify racial disparities in the use of stop and search at national and local authority levels. The project is in ongoing development and the code and statistics presented are subject to change.
RStudio is required to open and run the analysis. This project was produced using
- RStudio 2021.09.0 Build 351 "Ghost Orchid"
- R version 4.1.1
The script uses the following R packages. These need to be installed using install.packages("package name") if they are not already installed on your system.
For analysis script:
- tidyverse
- gmodels
- epitools
- kableExtra
- DT
Once downloaded, unzip to a destination of your choice. Note that the national_dataset_with_forces.csv data also needs to be unzipped, with the resulting csv file being located in the data directory. Be sure to retain the original folder structure.
Use national_stop_search.Rproj to open project.
The only analysis to date is the one to supplement a recent Black Thrive blog post. To load the analysis script, use File > Open File, navigate to the scripts folder, and select analysis_for_blog.Rmd. To run the script, select Run > Run all (Ctrl + Alt + R [Windows]; Cmd + Option + R[Mac]).
If you just want to view the knitted html document with the results, using your system file navigator navigate to the scripts folder and open analysis_for_blog.html in your preferred browser.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback please contact the Research Team at Black Thrive:, FAO Dr Jolyon Miles-Wilson.