This plugin re-creates the base game of QuakeCraft from Hypixel for learning purposes, extra features got added due to community demands.
Note this plugin is designed to have multiples map in different folder, test were effectued with Multiverse-Core
And this plugin is made for spigot / paper 1.8.8 (V1_8_R3)
To create spawn point I recommend you to only use the spawnwand, scan command still exist if you want to place a massive number of spawn but it's not something I recomand you.
Is necessary for every command
Reload the configuration
Set the quake lobby spawnpoint (main world outside games)
Remove you from the queue
Add you to the queue
Toggle your queue status
List maps and number of spawns available
start <world name>
Start a game
End a game
triggerSpeed <value>
Set the trigger speed
gravity <value>
Set the gravity strength (for the beam not the players)
maxScore <value>
Set the score goal to end a game
dashDelay <value>
Set the Dash delay
playerSpeed <value>
Set the player movement speed
playerJump <value>
Set the player jump strength
playerSlow <value>
Set the player slowness
bounceCount <value>
Set the number of bounces a beam can do
rayLength <value>
Set the length of the beam
shatterCount <value>
Set the number of sub beam created on impact
shatterLength <value>
Set the length of the sub beam
Toggle blindness effect
Toggle Invisibility effect
Toggle nametag visibility
Toggle dash usage
Toggle the ability to dash on the Y axys
dashStrength <value>
Set the dash strength
Toggle the ability to walk
Toggle the ability to jump
Reset the game configuration to default value
Show the current game configuration
Open the configuration menu
Open the map selector (unavailable on third party server sorry)
scan <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2>
Scan the world for sponge block and created a spawnpoints files with them
loadSpawn <world name>
Load a world spawnpoint
clean <world name>
Removed sponge block on every spawnpoint saved
Give you the spawnwand
showSpawn <world name>
Place sponge block on spawnpoints\
All features implemented so far are:
A really obvious one just take you gun and right click to shoot.
Left click your gun to dash forward (once every second).
The reloading bar show the progression as well as the reloading time (0.85s).
The game time is endless.
The first player who reach 25 point win the game.
Let you customise your gun only 3 elements are customisable at the moment.
Change the shape of the explosion when you make a kill, this is all possible firework shape.
Change the color of the explosion.
Change the sound played when you kill somone
Change the color of your name everywhere (chat, scoreboard, tab, nametag)
The two type are here, blue and red
Blue pad launch the player in the sky while red launch the player in the direction they are facing
In this menu you can pretty much change everything and create custom quake game
Display official Hypixel map in gold and custom maps in blue and the number of spawnpoints available on the map
Coming soon.