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6.0.0 - Now open source!

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@Blacksmoke16 Blacksmoke16 released this 23 Jun 03:48
· 195 commits to master since this release

6.0.0 June 23, 2018

This major version release focuses on refactoring the backend tooling, the code that generates the GESI files, as well as open sourcing that code.

Breaking Changes

Overall there shouldn't be that many breaking changes in terms of having to reauth characters or something like that. The main breaking change would be:

  • Order of columns for each endpoint are now in ABC order.

GESI Source Files

The source code for GESI, i.e. the code that generates the and files is written in Crystal.

The code can be found under the src directory and is commented with some info to help guide users if they wish to edit the source to accomplish their own goals. Such as generating the files based on a different version of ESI.

the bin directory contains a statically linked binary (compiled version of that should be able to be ran on any 64-bit Linux machine (only testing on Debian 9) without installing any dependencies. The benefit of this, for example, is to generate the files yourself versus waiting on me to update them on GitHub.

The binary has a few optional arguments that can be seen HERE, or by doing ./GESI-linux-x86_64 -h

For now there is no Mac/Windows binary as I don't have an easy way of testing/creating those, and because Crystal doesn't have full Windows support as of now.

As usual, if i missed anything or something doesn't work as it did before, please make an issue on the GitHub and I will deal with it ASAP.

PS: Join the discord server!