I have done this simple CRUD exercise to integrate Ci4, Bonfire2, Datatables.
On the Front shows a simple table of false accounting entries.
In the Backend, the administrative management is supported by Bonfire2.
I have created for this demo, two tables with fake data: 'Diario' and 'Tipos'.
Cloning this project.
Composer install
Follow to the letter the installation instructions of Bonfire2
Execute in the 'db' the file:
php spark db:seed App\Database\Seeds\Tipos
php spark db:seed App\Database\Seeds\Diario
php 8.2.12
Codeigniter 4.5.1
On the front, the Startbootstrap
Bootstrap 5.*
After installation, you must make two corrections in: C:\xampp8212\htdocs\MyCi45_DtBf2\app\Config\Filters.php
lin 73 csrf' => ['except' => ['/diario_ss','admin/diario_ss']],
lin 28 public $appModules = [ 'App\Modules' => APPPATH . 'Modules', ];
lin 1 href="<?= site_url('home') ?>
lin 42 href="<?= site_url($item->url) ?>">
and C:\xampp8212\htdocs\MyCi45_DtBf2\app\Config\AuthGroups.php
lin 64
'me.security' => "Can change user's own password",
//Modulo Diario
'diario.list' => 'Can view list of pages',
'diario.view' => 'Can view pages details',
'diario.create' => 'Can create new pages',
'diario.edit' => 'Can edit existing pages',
'diario.delete' => 'Can delete existing pages',
//Modulo Tipos
'tipos.list' => 'Can view list of pages',
'tipos.view' => 'Can view pages details',
'tipos.create' => 'Can create new pages',
'tipos.edit' => 'Can edit existing pages',
'tipos.delete' => 'Can delete existing pages',
lin 107
'superadmin' => [
'admin' => [
'developer' => [
'user' => [
'beta' => [
My respect and thanks to the developers of Ci4, Bonfire2 and Hermawanramadhan.
All code is subject to improvement and optimization.
All developed code is distributed under MIT license.
June, 2024