smd_thumbnail v0.6.0
smd_thumbnail v0.6.0 features:
- For Txp 4.8.0+
- Register plugin tags on admin side so article previews work properly.
- Deprecate @display@ attribute in favour of @Format@.
- Alter class assignments so class is always added to img tag.
- The @type@ attribute accepts a list of profile names, plus SMD_ALL and SMD_ACTIVE.
- Add @break@ and @BreakClass@ attributes.
- Add @aspect@ attribute. Accepts @landscape@, @portrait@, @square@ or any custom ratio pairs, @4:3@, @16:9@, etc.
- Add @sort@ attribute.
- smd_thumbnail and smd_thumbnail_info tags accept core @escape@ attribute.
- Fix column heading width/height labels.
- Fix image counter when batch creating thumbs.
- Reinstate hover pointer on active column heading.
- Hook into image saves on the Write panel for compatibility with Write panel image plugins.