Backend delpoyed at Heroku
To get the server running locally:
- Clone this repo
- npm install to install all required dependencies
- npm run server to start the local server
- npm test to start server using testing environment
- Powerful performance
- Ease of coding with JavaScript
- Perfect for scalable network applications
- Express is commonly considered the standard framework for the majority of Node.js applications
- Knex is simple and optimal for server/database interaction
Data Params
{ first_name: [string] last_name: [string] email: [string] password: [string] }
Success Response
Code: 201
{ token: [jwt], message: 'Logged In', first_name: [first name], last_name: [last name] }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Email already exists and registered via Google social login
{ message: 'Google social login was done previously, cannot register local login' }
Code: 400
Reason: Email already exists and registered via local login
{ message: 'local login was done previously' }
Data Params
{ email: [string] password: [string] }
Success Response
Code: 200
{ token: [jwt], message: 'Logged In', first_name: [first name], last_name: [last name] }
Error Response
Code: 401
Reason: Incorrect email or password; cannot find match in database
{ message: 'Failed to login. Incorrect email or password' }
Code: 400
Reason: Email already exists and logged in via Google social login
{ message: 'Google social login was done previously, cannot local login' }
Redirect URL
{deployed url}/auth
URL Params
token, first_name, last_name
- Get all clients for that coach
- Get a specific client
- Create a client
- Modify a client
- Delete a client
The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
[ { "id": 1, "first_name": "clientFirstA", "last_name": "clientLastA", "email": "", "coach_id": 1 }, { "id": 2, "first_name": "clientFirstB", "last_name": "clientLastB", "email": "", "coach_id": 1 }, { "id": 5, "first_name": "clientFirstE", "last_name": "clientLastE", "email": "", "coach_id": 1 } ]
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token
The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token. The param id is the client_id.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 1, "first_name": "clientFirstA", "last_name": "clientLastA", "email": "", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, invalid client_id, coach_id not associated with client_id
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "first_name": "clientFirstD", "last_name": "clientLastD", "email": "" }
This is for the creation of a single client for a coach. The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 201
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 5, "first_name": "clientFirstD", "last_name": "clientLastD", "email": "", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, Missing request body, Bad/Missing body keys, client email already in use
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "first_name": "new_first", "last_name": "new_last", "email": "" }
The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token. The param id is the client_id.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 5, "first_name": "new_first", "last_name": "new_last", "email": "", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, Missing request body, Bad/Missing body keys, client email already in use
The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token. The param id is the client_id that will be deleted.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 5, "first_name": "new_first", "last_name": "new_last", "email": "", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, invalid client_id, coach_id not associated with client_id
- Get a coach's dashboard information
- Add clients to a program or vice versa
- Delete a program for a client or vice versa
This will provide a coach's list of clients on active programs, including program details. The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
[ { "client_id": 1, "first_name": "clientFirstA", "last_name": "clientLastA", "start_date": "2020-2-17", "program_id": 1, "name": "progA", "length": 21, "phase": "strength" }, { "client_id": 2, "first_name": "clientFirstB", "last_name": "clientLastB", "start_date": "2020-2-17", "program_id": 9, "name": "progC", "length": 21, "phase": "strength" } ]
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "program_id": 1, "client_ids": [ 1, 2, 5 ] }
This will add one or more clients to a program OR one program to a client. The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 201
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
[ { "client_id": 1, "program_id": 1, "start_date": "2020-2-17", "current_day": null }, { "client_id": 2, "program_id": 1, "start_date": "2020-2-17", "current_day": null }, { "client_id": 5, "program_id": 1, "start_date": "2020-2-17", "current_day": null } ]
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, Missing request body, Bad/Missing body keys, invalid client_id/program_id, coach_id not associated with client_id/program_id
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "client_id": 5, "program_id": 1 }
This will remove the link between a client and program. The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
"1 item deleted successfully"
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, Missing request body, Bad/Missing body keys, invalid client_id/program_id, coach_id not associated with client_id/program_id
- Create an Exercise
- Get all Exercises for that coach
- Get one exercise for that coach
- Update an exercise for that coach
- Delete an Exercise
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "name": "exercise", "type": type, "focal_points": "a focal point", "video_url": "a url", "thumbnail_url": "a url", }
Success Response
Code: 201
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 1, "name": "exercise", "type": type, "focal_points": "a focal point", "video_url": "a url", "thumbnail_url": "a url", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: "missing field name in request body, no access, coach_id does not exist
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 1, "name": "exercise", "type": type, "focal_points": "a focal point", "video_url": "a url", "thumbnail_url": "a url", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: "no access"
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 1, "name": "exercise", "type": type, "focal_points": "a focal point", "video_url": "a url", "thumbnail_url": "a url", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: "no access, item does not exist"
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "name": "exercise", "type": type, "focal_points": "a focal point", "video_url": "a url", "thumbnail_url": "a url", }
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 1, "name": "exercise", "type": type, "focal_points": "a focal point", "video_url": "a url", "thumbnail_url": "a url", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: "no access, missing or wrong field, item does not exist"
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 1, "name": "exercise", "type": type, "focal_points": "a focal point", "video_url": "a url", "thumbnail_url": "a url", "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, invalid exercise_id
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "name": "progC", "description": "progC desc", "length": 21, "phase": "strength", "workouts": [ { "name": "work1", "description": "work1 desc", "day": 1, "exercises": [ {"exercise_id": 1, "order":1, "exercise_details": "exD1_work1"}, {"exercise_id": 2, "order":2, "exercise_details": "exD2_work1"}, {"exercise_id": 3, "order":3, "exercise_details": "exD3_work1"} ] }, { "name": "work2", "description": "work2 desc", "day": 2, "exercises": [ {"exercise_id": 4, "order":1, "exercise_details": "exD4_work2"}, {"exercise_id": 5, "order":2, "exercise_details": "exD5_work2"}, {"exercise_id": 6, "order":3, "exercise_details": "exD6_work2"} ] }, { "name": "work3", "description": "work3 desc", "day": 3, "exercises": [ {"exercise_id": 1, "order":1, "exercise_details": "exD1_work3"}, {"exercise_id": 6, "order":2, "exercise_details": "exD7_work3"} ] } ] }
This is for the creation of a single program for a coach. The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 201
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
[ { id: 1, name: "Program 1", description: "program1 description", coach_id: 1, length: 10, phase: "strength", workouts: [ { id: 1, name: "push day", description: "push day arm workout", day: 1, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 1, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 2, order: 2, exercise_details: "50lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 3, order: 3, exercise_details: "70lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 2, name: "pull day", description: "pull day arm and back workout", day: 2, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 4, order: 1, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 5, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 6, order: 3, exercise_details: "30lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 3, name: "legs and core", description: "legs and core day workout", day: 3, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 7, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 8, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 9, order: 3, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, ] }, ], assigned_clients: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] }, { id: 2, name: "Program 2", description: "Test program description", coach_id: 1, length: 22, phase: "strength", workouts: [ { id: 4, name: "push day", description: "push day arm workout", day: 1, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 1, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 2, order: 2, exercise_details: "50lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 3, order: 3, exercise_details: "70lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 5, name: "pull day", description: "pull day arm and back workout", day: 2, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 4, order: 1, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 5, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 6, order: 3, exercise_details: "30lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 6, name: "legs and core", description: "legs and core day workout", day: 3, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 7, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 8, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 9, order: 3, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, ] }, ], assigned_clients: [2, 4, 6] } ]
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, Missing request body, Bad/Missing body keys, invalid exercise_id, coach_id not associated with exercise_id
The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
[ { id: 1, name: "Program 1", description: "program1 description", coach_id: 1, length: 10, phase: "strength", workouts: [ { id: 1, name: "push day", description: "push day arm workout", day: 1, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 1, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 2, order: 2, exercise_details: "50lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 3, order: 3, exercise_details: "70lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 2, name: "pull day", description: "pull day arm and back workout", day: 2, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 4, order: 1, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 5, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 6, order: 3, exercise_details: "30lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 3, name: "legs and core", description: "legs and core day workout", day: 3, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 7, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 8, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 9, order: 3, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, ] }, ], assigned_clients: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] }, { id: 2, name: "Program 2", description: "Test program description", coach_id: 1, length: 22, phase: "strength", workouts: [ { id: 4, name: "push day", description: "push day arm workout", day: 1, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 1, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 2, order: 2, exercise_details: "50lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 3, order: 3, exercise_details: "70lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 5, name: "pull day", description: "pull day arm and back workout", day: 2, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 4, order: 1, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 5, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 6, order: 3, exercise_details: "30lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 6, name: "legs and core", description: "legs and core day workout", day: 3, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 7, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 8, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 9, order: 3, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, ] }, ], assigned_clients: [2, 4, 6] } ]
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token
Body of request is JSON. Example is shown below.
{ "id":2, "name": "progC", "description": "progC desc", "length": 21, "phase": "strength", "workouts": [ { "name": "work1", "description": "work1 desc", "day": 1, "exercises": [ {"exercise_id": 1, "order":1, "exercise_details": "exD1_work1"}, {"exercise_id": 2, "order":2, "exercise_details": "exD2_work1"}, {"exercise_id": 3, "order":3, "exercise_details": "exD3_work1"} ] }, { "name": "work2", "description": "work2 desc", "day": 2, "exercises": [ {"exercise_id": 4, "order":1, "exercise_details": "exD4_work2"}, {"exercise_id": 5, "order":2, "exercise_details": "exD5_work2"}, {"exercise_id": 6, "order":3, "exercise_details": "exD6_work2"} ] }, { "name": "work3", "description": "work3 desc", "day": 3, "exercises": [ {"exercise_id": 1, "order":1, "exercise_details": "exD1_work3"}, {"exercise_id": 6, "order":2, "exercise_details": "exD7_work3"} ] } ] }
This is for the modification of a single program for a coach. When this request is received by the backend, the server will first delete all the current workouts and exercises_workouts records associated with the program. Then it will modify the program record and then add new workouts and exercises_workouts records according to the request body. The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
[ { id: 1, name: "Program 1", description: "program1 description", coach_id: 1, length: 10, phase: "strength", workouts: [ { id: 1, name: "push day", description: "push day arm workout", day: 1, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 1, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 2, order: 2, exercise_details: "50lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 3, order: 3, exercise_details: "70lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 2, name: "pull day", description: "pull day arm and back workout", day: 2, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 4, order: 1, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 5, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 6, order: 3, exercise_details: "30lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 3, name: "legs and core", description: "legs and core day workout", day: 3, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 7, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 8, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 9, order: 3, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, ] }, ], assigned_clients: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] }, { id: 2, name: "Program 2", description: "Test program description", coach_id: 1, length: 22, phase: "strength", workouts: [ { id: 4, name: "push day", description: "push day arm workout", day: 1, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 1, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 2, order: 2, exercise_details: "50lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 3, order: 3, exercise_details: "70lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 5, name: "pull day", description: "pull day arm and back workout", day: 2, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 4, order: 1, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 5, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 6, order: 3, exercise_details: "30lbs dumbbells - 5 sets of 5"} ] }, { id: 6, name: "legs and core", description: "legs and core day workout", day: 3, exercises: [ {exercise_id: 7, order: 1, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 8, order: 2, exercise_details: "135lbs bar - 5 sets of 5"}, {exercise_id: 9, order: 3, exercise_details: "bodyweight - 5 sets of 5"}, ] }, ], assigned_clients: [2, 4, 6] } ]
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, Missing request body, Bad/Missing body keys, invalid exercise_id/program_id, coach_id not associated with exercise_id/program_id
The token must be sent along with the request. The coach_id will be obtained from the token. The param id is the program_id that will be deleted. All linked workouts and exercise_workouts records will also be deleted.
Success Response
Code: 200
Body of response is JSON. Example is shown below:
{ "id": 3, "name": "progC-changed", "phase": "progC phase", "description": "progC desc-changed", "length": 700, "coach_id": 1 }
Error Response
Code: 400
Reason: Invalid token, invalid program_id, coach_id not associated with program_id
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | integer | yes | yes | Coach id |
first_name | string | yes1 | no | Coach first name |
last_name | string | yes1 | no | Coach last name |
string | yes | yes | Coach email (max 100 char) | |
password | string | yes2 | no | Coach password (max 100 char) |
1 for registration only
2 for local auth only
id: UUID
first_name: STRING
last_name: STRING
email: STRING
password: STRING
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | integer | yes | yes | Exercise id |
name | string | yes | no | Exercise name |
type | string | no | no | Exercise type |
focal_points | string | no | yes | Notes/Description/points of focus during Exercise (max 1000 char) |
video_url | string | no | no | Exercise video (max 1000 char) |
thumbnail_url | string | no | no | Exercise image (max 1000 char) |
coach_id | integer | yes | no | Coach id (foreign key) |
id: UUID
name: STRING
type: STRING
focal_points: STRING
video_url: STRING
thumbnail_url: STRING
coach_id: INTEGER
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | integer | yes | yes | Workout id |
name | string | yes | no | Workout name |
description | string | no | no | Workout description (max 1000 char) |
day | integer | yes | no | The day of the program to which this workout belongs |
coach_id | integer | yes | no | Coach id (foreign key) |
program_id | string | yes | no | Program id (foreign key) |
id: UUID
name: STRING
description: STRING
coach_id: INTEGER
program_id: INTEGER
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
exercise_id | integer | yes | no | Exercise id (foreign key) |
workout_id | integer | yes | no | Workout id (foreign key) |
order | integer | yes | no | The order in which the exercise will be performed in the workout |
exercise_details | string | yes | no | Sets/reps/time for an exercise in a specific workout (max 1000 char) |
exercise_id: INTEGER
workout_id: INTEGER
order: INTEGER
exercise_details: STRING
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | integer | yes | yes | Program id |
name | string | yes | no | Program name |
description | string | no | no | Program description (max 1000 char) |
phase | string | no | no | Type/Goal of Program |
length | integer | yes | no | Program length in days |
coach_id | integer | yes | no | Coach id (foreign key) |
id: UUID
name: STRING
description: STRING
phase: STRING
length: INTEGER
coach_id: INTEGER
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | integer | yes | yes | Client id |
first_name | string | yes | no | Client first name |
last_name | string | yes | no | Client last name |
string | yes | yes | Client email | |
coach_id | integer | yes | no | Coach id (foreign key) |
id: UUID
first_name: STRING
last_name: STRING
email: STRING
coach_id: INTEGER
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
client_id | integer | yes | no | Client id (foreign key) |
program_id | integer | yes | no | Program id (foreign key) |
start_date | string | yes | no | The date the program is assigned to the client |
current_day | integer | no | no | The day of the program the client is currently on |
client_id: INTEGER
program_id: INTEGER
start_date: STRING
current_day: INTEGER
-> Creates a new coach and returns that coach
-> Returns a single coach by email
-> Returns a single coach by id
-> Returns all exercises for given coach id
-> Returns a single exercise by id
-> Creates a new exercise and returns that exercise
updateExercise(id, changes)
-> Modifies a single exercise by id and returns the modified exercise
-> Deletes a single exercise by id and returns the deleted exercise
-> Returns all workouts for given coach id
-> Returns a single workout by id
-> Returns all workouts for given program id
-> Creates one or more new workouts and returns the workouts
updateWorkout(id, changes)
-> Modifies a single workout by id and returns the modified workout
-> Deletes a single workout by id and returns the deleted workout
-> Returns all given exercises linked to given workouts
-> Returns all exercises for the given workout id
-> Adds exercises to given workout and returns them
-> Deletes specified exercises in given workout
-> Returns all programs for given coach id
-> Returns a single program by id
-> Creates a new program and returns that program
updateProgram(id, changes)
-> Modifies a single program by id and returns the modified program
-> Deletes a single program by id and returns the deleted program
-> Returns all clients for given coach id
-> Returns a single client by id
-> Creates a new client and returns that client
updateClient(id, changes)
-> Modifies a single client by id and returns the modified client
-> Deletes a single client by id and returns the deleted client
-> Returns all clients assigned to the given program id
-> Returns all given clients linked to given programs
-> Creates one or more new client-program links and returns them
-> Deletes a single client-program link and returns the count
-> Returns dashboard info from many tables for the given coach id
In order for the app to function correctly, the user must set up their own environment variables.
create a .env file that includes the following:
* DB_JWTSECRET - secret key for access
* DATABASE_URL - URL for Heroku postgres deployment
* FRONTEND_DOMAIN - URL for frontend deployed application
* CLIENT_ID - id for authenticating application with Google
* CLIENT_SECRET - secret for authenticating application with Google
* STAGING_DB - optional development db for using functionality not available in SQLite
* NODE_ENV - set to "development" until ready for "production"
* SENDGRID_API_KEY - this is generated in your Sendgrid account
* stripe_secret - this is generated in the Stripe dashboard
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.
Please note we have a code of conduct. Please follow it in all your interactions with the project.
If you are having an issue with the existing project code, please submit a bug report under the following guidelines:
- Check first to see if your issue has already been reported.
- Check to see if the issue has recently been fixed by attempting to reproduce the issue using the latest master branch in the repository.
- Create a live example of the problem.
- Submit a detailed bug report including your environment & browser, steps to reproduce the issue, actual and expected outcomes, where you believe the issue is originating from, and any potential solutions you have considered.
We would love to hear from you about new features which would improve this app and further the aims of our project. Please provide as much detail and information as possible to show us why you think your new feature should be implemented.
If you have developed a patch, bug fix, or new feature that would improve this app, please submit a pull request. It is best to communicate your ideas with the developers first before investing a great deal of time into a pull request to ensure that it will mesh smoothly with the project.
Remember that this project is licensed under the MIT license, and by submitting a pull request, you agree that your work will be, too.
- Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
- Update the with details of changes to the interface, including new plist variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
- Ensure that your code conforms to our existing code conventions and test coverage.
- Include the relevant issue number, if applicable.
- You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developers, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the second reviewer to merge it for you.
These contribution guidelines have been adapted from this
See Frontend Documentation for details on the frontend of our project.