A temporary dashboard has been created to show the visualizations.
Catches (captures): a zoomable pie chart, which would integrate several pie charts from the report into one. The pie chart could be divided by area/harbour (Roses, l'Escala, Palamós...) or by seasons (Autumn, Winter, Spring...)
Density (fishing effort, catches, economic performance): As shown in the report. This could be served with a WMS from a GeoServer. We have to agree on the temporal resolution (and projection).
Individual sampled boats (mostreig): As shown in the report. The routes could be served with a GeoJSON. Other info could pop up, like the date and a pie chart of the catches of that boat on that sampling day.
- Show the length frequency of each species, as in the report.
- Server
- Nodejs server with queries to the database and REST API for web client requests
- Backup method for providing (static) data if server and database are down
- Automatically upload of static data to github's visualizer repository
- Install in production server
- Set up with a pm2 (restarts server if the computer or server is shutdown)
- Basic pie chart visualization of biomass per port with D3
- Preprocess data from server to be used in visualizer
- Discuss color palette (custom or as in report)
- Species with small biomass in "Altres" group
- Add tab location in pie chart (Sud/L'Ametlla de Mar/Comercial)
- Ability to select/deselect species
- More info about each species when clicked --> Length frequency
- Add fishing per stratum (requires new query from J. Ribera)
- Query for data organized per season (requires new query)
Length Frequency
- Query talles abundància from J. Ribera (agrupacions per bins)
- Basic chart with length frequency
- Species selector with search(drop-down menu)
- Compare buttons and superposition of histograms
- Filter by time (bottom time scale)
- Filter by port (rigth-sided button selector)
- Filter by depth
Regarding the map visualization, here is the checklist:
- Server
- GeoServer for WMS
- Nodejs for static files (csv-like)
- Map visualizer
- Openlayers WMS color filter with SVG
- Tile cache client side
- Visualize tracks of the hauls and clickon events
- Pie charts of the samples collected by each haul when clicked
- Pie chart per port (without being affected by time?)
- Length frequency when clicking
- Temporal slider
A simple dashboard made with bootstrap
- Basic dashboard
- Seabeds, EMODnet provides useful information (https://www.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/access-data/launch-map-viewer/, https://www.emodnet-geology.eu/services/, https://www.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/access-data/web-services/)
- The International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG) https://gis.ices.dk/sf/index.html?widget=visa&assessmentKey=13960
- Irish GroundFish Survey (IGFS) https://shiny.marine.ie/igfs/
- Bird migration ebird https://ebird.org/science/status-and-trends/wooduc/abundance-map-weekly
- Global fishing watch: https://globalfishingwatch.org/map/
- Emodnet human activities: https://www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu/view-data.php
- Visor de Información Geográfica Marina: http://infomar.cedex.es/visor.html