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Oliver Stueker edited this page May 5, 2015 · 1 revision
 * Lensfield2 builds consist if a series of 'source' and 'build' steps. Source steps introduce filesets into the build system, while build steps process existing filesets, generating new filesets as a result.
 * Source and build steps require a unique identifier, that is used to name the filesets they generate.

Source declarations

Source declarations take the form:


 <id></id> is the name of the resulting fileset
 <glob></glob> is the pattern specifying which files to include


This finds all files with the extension 'xyz', and assigns them to a file set named 'files'.

Build declarations

Build declarations take the form:


  <id></id>         is the name to be given to the resulting fileset
  <class-name></class-name> is the name of the class that carries out the process. If you wish Lensfield2 to invoke a method named other than 'run', then you can append it to the class-name, separated by a '/', e.g. com.example.legacytools.Copier/copy
  <arg></arg>        is one of...
 * If a build step has more than one input, or more than one output, then the input/output's names must be specified, but if there is only a single input or output then the name may be omitted.
 * Parameter names must always be specified.
 * In addition to dependencies for specific build steps, global dependencies applying to all build steps can be specified:
 * In the case of a conflict, dependencies assigned to a build step take priority over global dependencies (they are placed earlier in the classpath).


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