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Oliver Stueker edited this page May 5, 2015 · 2 revisions
 * [[]] for organizing the October 21st meeting
 * [[]] for discussing the vision, requirements and design of the Quixote project.
 * [[]] results of the 2010/10/01 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/10/08 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/10/15 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/10/19 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/10/21 Cambridge + Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/10/29 Skype meeting
 * [[]] notes for the slides for Geoff Hutchison
 * [[]] results of the 2010/11/08 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/11/16 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/11/26 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2010/12/09 Skype meeting
 * [[]] Etherpad written live by present and remote attendants to [[]] on 2011/01/20
 * [[]] results of the 2011/01/27 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2011/02/09 Skype meeting
 * [[]] planning for the March Meeting.
 * [[]] results of the 2011/03/01 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2011/03/10 Skype meeting
 * [[]] first tutorial on the new parsers
 * [[]] second tutorial on the new parsers
 * [[]] First Quixote Conference, Daresbury (2011/03/22-23)
 * [[]] results of the 2011/04/08 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2011/04/20 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2011/05/06 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2011/05/23 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2011/06/01 Skype meeting
 * [[]] results of the 2011/06/09 Skype meeting

Tutorials etherpads

 * [[]]
 * [[]]
 * [[]]
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