A python chess bot that started out of a tutorial
Used to play on chess.com as:
- BlueBotChessTest4 : 2096 rating in 10 + 0 rapid
Latest version won against:
- Komodo 17 (2100) on chess.com
- Fairy Stockfish 6 (~2100) on lichess in 10 + 0 rapid
Latest version: v0.36
Main features:
- Depth 6 alpha-beta negamax search
- Quiescence search
- Simple material evaluation function
- Simple move ordering based on evaluation function
- Null move pruning
- Transposition table with principal variation move ordering
- Iterative deepening
- Killer heuristic move ordering
- Aspiration windows
- All chess bot releases use an opening book called Titans which can be found here: https://digilander.libero.it/taioscacchi/archivio/Titans.zip
- Latest version v0.36 is best run with PyPy instead of normal Python which can be found here: https://www.pypy.org/download.html
Feel free to use this engine however you want! If you get banned for cheating using this program on a public website (chess.com, lichess) it is your fault!