A simple, easy to use password generator written in Python
The first input field is where you specify how many characters you would like to make the password. We have hard limits of minimum 8 characters and maximum of 32 characters. If you enter a value that is not within this range, you will see that the program does not let you generate a password. You are only allowed to enter numerical values into this field. (0-9)
You may specify to the program certain characters you would like excluded from the final generated password.
The current list of available characters that the program can generate are as follows:
- All numbers [0-9]
- Uppercase letters [A-Z]
- Lowercase letters [a-z]
- Various Symbols [@[]^_`{|}~:;<=>?/\]
The program will output the password in a text field that will allow you to copy onto the clipboard.
This software uses the GPL-3.0 license. You can read more about it here.