What's new?
Vuetify version has been updated (1.0.0 -> 1.1.13)
Most of source code was rewritten for performance improvements. UI should be more responsive than before (especially on mobile).
filtering should be more efficient/faster than before
Ability to share current filters via URL
Settings Page
Each multidex entry in the settings page now shows the date of when new update data was first available
Comparison image (left is new, right is old)
General UI updates for Multidex Pages
Better colors for UI of multidex entries (based on feedback)
Transitioning between loading states should be smoother
There's now a more normal pagination component instead of floating buttons for the multidex pages
Multidex Filter UI
Proc/Passive search now has an additional searchbox to allow you to find buffs by name
Changing of search area for Procs/Passives in Units has been moved to the popup dialog
There's now an indicator on the filter sidebar when value isn't default
Note the bold and asterisk on the left image here
Proc/Passive search only shows buff icons when you start searching for buffs (for performance reasons)
As seen in the left image here
Certain multidex types (e.g. units, items) have alternative views
JSON viewer
Now has a dark mode (as seen in the left image here )
Alternative tree view for a more interactive JSON viewing (as seen here )
Buff tables are collapsible
Units Page
Comparison images (left is new, right is old)
Selecting SP enhancements now updates the URL
Allows sharing of URL for SP builds (as seen here )
Letter codes are now an option for copying builds
Evolutions now have an associated cost with each evolution
Flavor text is available for units where applicable (lore, summon, fusion, evolution)
Arena card is now an Arena & Colosseum card
Displays what Colo classes you can use a unit in
Gives squad positioning suggestions based on AI (if AI data is available)
Alternate card view
Replaced hit count card with an Effects card
Leader Skills
Effects card now has a buff list as well
Land/Area/Dungeon selector is now in a single popup dialog (as seen here )
General Info card now has a JSON tab to view the whole entry for a mission in its JSON form
Search for multiple names at once
For example, I can search for multiple unit names like this
You can see this query for yourself here
You can’t perform that action at this time.