Releases: Bob-Murphy/A3-Antistasi-1.4
Releases · Bob-Murphy/A3-Antistasi-1.4
AntiStasi Official Community Edition 1.4c1.04
Bugfixed and translated version of AntiStasi based on Barbolani's version
Changelog as of commit d3bfecf
- Improves moveHQObject reliability
- Fixes Arsenal duplication issues
- Fixes civs being able to be killed without penalty
- Fixes killing guard dogs damaging prestige
- Fixes multiple singleplayer bugs
- Fixes box/flag/map not moving when placed
- Adds cleaning Occupants and Invaders groups to the debugging loop
- and a hand-full more
AntiStasi Official Community Edition 1.4c1.03
Bugfixed and translated version of AntiStasi based on Barbolani's version
Changelog as of commit 3bb6b45
- Petros gets respawned automatically if he for some reason vanishes
- Frequencies of SR and LR don't change when you enter the Arsenal
- Improved commander assignment reliability on connect
- Empty groups get deleted --> most likely no more group-bug after a few hours of gameplay
- Money saving fixed
- roadsDB.sqf added for Chernarus
- multiple-engineers-in-group-problem fixed
AntiStasi Official Community Edition 1.4c1.02
Bugfixed and translated version of AntiStasi based on Barbolani's version
Changelog as of commit 5c48598
- ADV - ACE Medical support
- Add validation stepp to savePlayer
- Improved vehicle placement and building system
- Fixed commander not being reassigned
- Fixed arsenal bug regarding magazine UI
- Prevents non-members becoming commander
- Fixed campaign saves failing
[Broken] AntiStasi Official Community Edition 1.4c1.01
There is a known issue with this build: Your campaign will not save. This issue is fixed in 1.4c1.02.
Bugfixed and translated version of AntiStasi based on Barbolani's version
Changelog as of commit cc212cf
- Players save on disconnect
- Commander can pass command to someone by resigning while looking at them
- Vehicles are teleported along with players when outside member leash range
- Placing vehicles from the garage is more reliable
- Building fortifications UI improvements
- Ammo is now accessible when X magazines is reached, rather than 500 rounds
- Notification when a player is given temporary membership
- Notifications removed when a player joins BLUFOR/OPFOR
- Translated version is backwards compatible with original Antistasi 1.4
- Add a light to the flag
- Shooting from vehicles should now always break undercover if in range of a city or enemy
- Undercover Friendly NPCs should drive on roads always
- Mission convoys should bug out less (Still not perfect)
- Civilians no longer shout orders to each other
- ACE removed from mod blacklist in singleplayer
- Object moving in the HQ should bug out less
- Player saves no longer carry over from previous campaigns
- Camping light no longer loses actions (replaced with sleeping bag)
- Static weapons always spawn the correct bags, in more sensible places
- Non-commander admins can give temp membership
- Arsenal sorting now works, alphabetically and by count
- Arsenal bug where items temporarily stop being unlimited
- Reduce number of groups left around
- Curator modules added to all maps
- Fix IFA Detection in WW2
- Several exploits
- Several runtime errors