Shaarlimages, la galerie des shaarlis !
- /page/NUMBER: display the page n°
; - /random: display a random image;
- /search/TERM, and /search/TERM/NUMBER: search by term;
- /tag/TAG, and /tag/TAG/NUMBER/42: search by tag;
- /zoom/IMAGE: display the
- /image/IMAGE: direct link to the original
file; - /thumbnail/IMAGE: direct link to the thumbnail
RSS feeds (a link is made accessible when clicking on "images" at the top-right on the website):
- /rss, /rss/NUMBER, and /rss/all: global RSS feed (default: last 50 items);
- /rss/search/TERM, /rss/search/TERM/NUMBER, and /rss/search/TERM/all: RSS feed of the result of the search by term (default: last 50 items);
- /rss/tag/TAG, /rss/tag/TAG/NUMBER, and /rss/tag/TAG/all: RSS feed of the result of the search by tag (default: last 50 items);
Copy all files from the host
folder to the PythonAnywhere hosting account.
- Web app type: Bottle
- Python version:
- Force HTTPS: enabled
- "Sync all shaarlis":
- when: daily at 06:00 UTC
- command:
CI=true PYTHONPATH='/home/tiger222/shaarlimages' python -m host sync
Check Batteries Included to know what modules are already provided.
Command to fully sync back the data on a local machine:
# Usage:
# rsync -avzhe ssh <USER><SHAARLIMAGES_FOLDER>/data <LOCAL_FOLDER>/
# Example:
$ rsync -avzhe ssh /home/tiger-222/projects/shaarlimages/
In the server logs, we might see lots of OSError: write error
messages. They are not related to the current application, more information here.
$ python3.10 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -U pip
$ python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ ./
$ python -m pytest --doctest-modules host tests/unit
# To be run from time to time to ensure solvers are still working
$ python -m pytest tests/integration
$ python
$ python -m host -h
Sync all registered shaarlis:
$ python -m host sync [--force]
Sync any Shaarli instance (registered or not):
$ python -m host sync --url URL [--force]
# Example:
# python -m host sync --url ''
In both cases, use --force
to (re)sync from the beginning.
Suite à cette requête.
La liste des instances shaarli est récupérée depuis BoboTiG/shaarlis. N'hésitez pas à proposer un patch pour ajouter d'autres liens.
- Séb pour avoir mis au point shaarli;
- Bronco pour l'inspiration (feed2array) ;
- Jakob Holmelund pour la base javascript de la partition linéaire ;
- pour l'inspiration ;
- Arthur Hoaro & Oros42 pour l'annuaire des shaarlis ;
- Et tous les contributeurs et testeurs de l'ombre :)