a web app that helps you detect whether the plant is healthy or infected. If an infection is detected, the app identifies the specific disease and provides a description along with recommended cures with a user-friendly interface.
- Backend: Django, Django REST Framework
- Ai Model: MobileNet
- Frontend: React
- Database: Mysql
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/BodaTech/PLANTS_DISEASE_DETECTION_WEBAPP.git
Navigate to the backend directory:
cd Backend
Virtual environment
- create a virtual environment
py -m venv venv
- activate it
(source venv/bin/activate
in macOS/Linux)
- create a virtual environment
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply migrations:
config your database in
py manage.py migrate
Seed the database located in
py manage.py loaddata plant\data\plants.json
py manage.py loaddata plant\data\diseases.json
py manage.py loaddata plant\data\cures.json
py manage.py loaddata plant\data\cures_diseases.json
Run the Django development server:
py manage.py migrate
Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd frontend
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
The model can make false prediction in some cases and can detect only these disease categories:
- Apple
- Apple scab
- Black rot
- Cedar apple rust
- Healthy
- Corn (maize)
- Cercospora leaf spot (Gray leaf spot)
- Common rust
- Northern Leaf Blight
- Healthy
- Grape
- Black rot
- Esca (Black Measles)
- Leaf blight (Isariopsis Leaf Spot)
- Healthy
- Potato
- Early blight
- Late blight
- Healthy
- Tomato
- Bacterial spot
- Early blight
- Late blight
- Leaf Mold
- Septoria leaf spot
- Spider mites (Two-spotted spider mite)
- Target Spot
- Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
- Tomato mosaic virus
- Healthy