LSD is a liquid staking and leverage staking based yield generating vault. You can deposit your matic and receive LSD tokens which will appreciate in value w.r.t. matic over time 📈 LSD internally uses Stader, Aave & Balancer as well as the whole project.
LSD.sol: This is the core ERC4626 based contract
LSDWrapper.sol: This contract contains additional function for slippage and gateway (i.e. if user wishes to invest matic instead of wmatic or receive matic instead of wmatic they can use these gateway functions)
- Test the Application at: Live Demo
Clone the repository
Run the following command from the root of the project
yarn install
yarn start
If you don't wish to interact with the polygon mainnet follow the steps below:
- Clone the repository
- In the scaffold.config.ts file change the
property tochains.hardhat
- Run the following command from the root of the project
yarn install
yarn fork
yarn deploy
yarn start
Author: Harsh Agrawal & Venky Kumar
: harshagrawal2503 -
: BoddepallyVenkatesh06