Welcome to Turdle, the game of animal scat identification!
It is also a learning project for Rails 7, Turbo, and Tailwind CSS. We have tried to wrap the development environment nicely in a container for you, see below.
This application is intended to run via docker. Install it to your system and then run
docker compose build
docker compose up
This will set up Ruby and its gems, the postgres database, and start the
webserver. If you'd like to run the services in the background, add -d
at the end when you bring up the containers.
If it complains about the tmp/db
directory (or something else) you may
need to chown
it to your user so it will have permission.
run this before trying to connect to localhost:3000
The initial list of Animal
s needs to be seeded.
docker compose exec web rails db:setup
Check out the development org file for details about how the containers are set up and how to connect your editor to the solargraph language server configured for this project.