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Adriatico Tours Logo


Project Overview

Adriatico tours is a travelling agency offering hotel booking in various cities all around Croatia. The website contains information about Croatia, propped up with beautiful imagery of Croatian sea and cities. With over 15 years of experience working with our partners, our primary goal is to ensure the best deals & vacation possible. The main business objective is to offer a one-stop agency for Croatian vacation and provide a seamless booking process.

The live site can be view here

Table Of Contents:

  • UX

    • Research and Analysis Phase
      • Business decision, long-term goals
      • User Stories
    • Design Phase
      • Sitemap & User Flow
      • Colour pallet & Typography
      • Wireframes
  • Features & Layout

    • Navigation
    • Newsletter Section
    • Homepage
    • Our Company
    • Contact Us
    • City Page
    • Why Croatia page
    • Search Result Page
  • Technologies & Resources Used

    • Languages Used

    • Frameworks & Processors

    • Workspace, version control and Repository storage

    • Integrations

    • Resources & Media

    • Testing & Deployment

      • Validation
      • API Testing
      • Testing Users Stories
      • Outstanding Bugs
      • Fixed Bugs
      • Testing responsiveness
      • Deployment
  • Credits

  • Acknowledgements


Website is designed in a way to ensure an easy booking process & navigation through the content. All the sections are precisely separated to ensure clean and effective information architecture. Primarily focus is on the storytelling rather then pushy sales to gain trust and business understanding before proceeding with the booking. Images are playing a key role in the whole user journey as they are the perfect trigger for "holiday mood", and can change a whole user perspective.

Research and Analysis Phase

Brainstorming Ideas & User Stories

The reason why I selected this project is the chance to work with the content I'm familiar with, and also practice some of the technologies we explored recently. I've decided to narrow the offering and go with Croatian destinations only. I'm from Croatia and I have an understanding of cities and their offering alongside interesting facts and Croatian tradition. As a start-up business, I wanted to offer rich information about all destinations and the ability to book a hotel in the desired location.

Long term goals:

  • Enhancing current offering - destination packages (including flights, holiday programme, hotel & support). Potential users can book the whole trip on one website rather than researching each component individually, better price point guaranteed.
  • Improving search functionality - making all destinations and content easily searchable.
  • including checkout processability for the user to fully book and pay for the trip instead of submitting a form request.
  • include an online chat to improve the support throughout the user journey

User Stories

As a First Time visitor, I want to:

i. Easily navigate through the website - this is achieved with the clean navigation both on big and small screens, and breadcrumbs to easily revert to the previous pages.

ii. Learn more about the company and booking rules - as mentioned before, the website focuses on storytelling which helps the user understand more about the business and how the booking process works.

iii. Have a clear separation between services - at the moment there's only one service available (hotel booking), but in future development, it's important to separate services in a way which ensures easy navigation and understanding of the selected service

iv. Have the support through the website journey - FAQ's are a good starting point to offer support to the users. Additionally, there's scope for help articles & online chat support.

v. Have a diverse selection of destinations to choose from - at the moment, destinations are segmented into three regions with each one offering three cities to choose from. Depending on users desire - two of the regions are coast based (generally summer vacation). The third one is focused on the central part of Croatia and more on learning about the Croatian culture.

vi. Have detailed information about chosen location/trip - each destinations is propped up with detailed information containing some history, interesting facts and best places to visit.

vii. Easy & Efficient booking process - there are three steps to the booking process. Step one is to select a preferred destination, and step two is to choose a hotel in which the user would like to stay, and third step is to fill in a booking form.

As a Frequent visitor, I want to:

i. Explore different destinations & activities for my next holidays

ii. Subscribe to the newsletter to receive company updates & new offers - ensure up to date promotions, and deals are circulated to subscribed users, reward the users who are signed to the newsletter

iii. Have a seamless booking journey - keep on improving on the booking process.

Design Phase

Sitemap and user flow

Sitemap was created to simplify website structure & decision on included pages - view here. (include a link to here text and link to sitemap) The tool used to create the sitemap was lucid char.

To determine user flow for destination booking, I've created a flow chart designed in Adobe XD. This helped me to reduce the steps user has to take to get to the end. - view here (include a link to here text and link to flow chart).

Colour pallet & Typography

Colour pallet was determined by conducting competitor analysis and investigating the most commonly used colours for the selected business. Poppins is the selected font for all the headings with sans-serif as a fallback. For the paragraphs and the rest of body text Open sans is the used font.

colour pallet and fonts


All wireframes are created in Adobe XD. Each individual page contains desktop & mobile view. Homepage specifically has a mobile menu design & destination link dropdown. Wireframes are saved in PDF file type and can be accessed here.

Features & Layout

The website consists of 6 unique pages.

  • Homepage
  • Our Company
  • Contact Us
  • City Page
  • Why Croatia Page
  • Search Result Page


The desktop version of navigation is relatively easy to use with clean and effective design in mind. The top bar servers as a contact details section and the main navigation consist of the company logo, functional search bar & navigation links.

Search Bar Functionality - users can search for two terms "food" & "culture" which is initially a part of the placeholder to instruct the user what to search for. Additionally, users can also search for individual destinations(current offering) which will redirect them to a relevant city page. If the user inputs the search term which is not stored in the js file, the page will return no result found.

The mobile version navigation consists of contact details, a top bar, a hamburger menu, logo & search icon. The menu expands from left to right and consist of all navigation links. The search bar has the same functionality, but it expands and closes based on a users preference.

Newsletter Section

This section is consistent across all the pages and servers to capture customer emails and utilize email marketing by sending special offers, discounts, and new releases. Footer

The top part of the footer section consists of the company logo, useful company links such as Our company, FAQ's and Contact us & popular cities links. The bottom part has comapny phone no., email and address. The copyright bar consists of credits and social icons.


The homepage is divided into six sections:

  • Hero Section: Which consist of Croatian sea image, a catchy title and social icons. Each time user visits the website, the text is slowly appearing on the screen mimicking the typing effect.
  • About Section: This section is meant to briefly inform the customer about who we are and also convince them to choose to Learn more to potentially explore more about the company and build a certain level of trust.
  • Most popular destinations: If the user happens to know preferred holiday destination, this section will serve as an opportunity to make an easy booking.
  • Why Choose Us: Main company facts that will server as trust builder and a section colour that will instantly grab users' attention. The goal here is to get the user to find more about our experience and expertise to assure them they are in safe hands.
  • Our partners & testimonials sections - Each of the sections will provide the feeling of trust for new & potential consumers. Including partners, the logo could indicate that we are working with prestige companies to ensure the best holidays possible. Testimonials section, however, shows user perspective of the service and experience they received from us and mostly enables users to empathize with those who left the reviews

Our Company

Our Company page is divided into three sections:

  • Hero Section: This section informs the users about the company in the greater details and is propped with a catchy image of Croatian National Park Plitvice.
  • How it works: This section is meant to present a seamless process user has to take to make a booking with us and everything that goes into it.
  • FAQ's: Lastly, faq's section will consist of some of the most common questions users can ask to avoid them from reaching out and potentially saving resources for the company.

Contact Us

The Contact Us page is divided into two sections:

  • Hero image & form section: the form consist of 5 main fields and opportunity for the users to raise any questions and queries they might have. When the form is submitted the "Message Sent" section appears on the screen for three seconds to inform, the user submission was successful. The form is also directly sent to the email address and correctly pulling all the fields user input.
  • Company location": in case the user would love to visit the agency and make the booking in person they have the instruction provided with google maps on how to find our location.

City Page

The City Page is divided into four sections

  • Hero Section: each city (8 in total) has three images which are presented with the slideshow.
  • City Intro: this section servers as a good reference to city history and some interesting facts which can grab users attention and alleviate holiday decision.
  • City location: users can get an understanding of city structure and some of the facilities it offers.
  • Hotel Offering: each city has three hotel offers. The filtering system is provided to segment the hotel order based on user preference(sort by: stars, price low to high & high to low). Each of the hotels has price, facts & star ratings on the front-facing. The user can "See More" - which launches the popup with additional hotel images, hotel position on the map & additional hotel information (about hotel & facilities). The option "Book Now" will also launch a pop-up with passengers selection dropdowns for adults and children, booking form and summary section that calculates the total price based on passenger selection.

Why Croatia page

Why Croatia page is divided into six sections:

  • Hero image section: contains a beautiful image of a small island in Croatia.
  • Intro text: Informative text about Croatian country to tell the story to the users and spark the interest.
  • Facts Section: contains five facts about Croatia: currency, language used, the capital city and how to say good morning and good evening in Croatian.
  • Top things carousel: the six facts are spread out in most of the cities we are offering. They are mostly famous Croatian monuments and culture.
  • Currency Converter: opportunity to convert Euro to Croatian kuna to better understand currency difference.
  • Most popular destinations: This is the same section from the homepage. But, at this stage of the customer journey user should have a clearer understanding of Croatian culture and offering and therefore a good time to make a decision on the holiday options.

Search Result Page

The search result page contains two sections:

  • Search results: based on user input it can be either food or culture and based on that search returns relevant content
  • Most popular destinations: another possibility to push a user towards booking a holiday, also if the search returns no result found at least it shows some actions user can take.

Technologies & Resources Used

Languages Used




Frameworks & Processors

SCSS - scss was used to enable quicker and more efficient coding. I've used the processor on purpose to learn about it and grow as a developer even though it's not a requirement for the project and it won't affect the grade.

JQuery - jQuery was used as a good addition to JavaScript to enable efficent coding and easier solutions to the problem.

Bootstrap - Bootstrap framework was used only for small code snippets such as slide shows and showing elements such as form labels to screen readers only.

Workspace, version control and Repository storage

GitPod - All code is written in gitpod cloud environment, committed and pushed to GitHub.

Git - Distributed Version Control tool to store versions of files and track changes.

GitHub - A cloud-based hosting.


The Google Maps API was mostly used for City page. Each city and hotel is shown on the map, in addition to the marker on the map for each hotel. Additionally, I used the maps to show company location on the contact us page.

EmailJs has been used for both contact us form and booking form. The two templates were created in the software to enable sending correct parameters. Each of the fields is sent through as a parameter and sent directly to my email address.

I have used Currency Converter API from Rapid API marketplace to enable the user to convert from Euro to Croatian Kuna currency on the Why Croatia Page. The API is free to use with 500 calls a day as a hard limit.

Resources & Media

Font Awesome - Font awsome was used for most of the icons on the page enabling usage of after and before pseudo-elements with ease.

Google Fonts - Google fonts was used for importing desired fonts to the page.

  • Flat Icon was used to bypass limited access of icons on Font Awsome (I used the paid version to avoid crediting each designer for their icons.)
  • Canva was used for all the imagery on the page except the Hotel images.
  • Adobe XD - used for creating wireframes. Click here to access the wireframes folder.
  • Stack Overflow - General resource for code and problem solving
  • W3 School - General resource for code and problem solving

Testing & Deployment


  • HTML Validation

I have used W3C Markup validator to check all HTML pages for possible errors. The below are highlighted unique issues with each page

First Check HTML page:

Validator returned multiple warnings and errors as visible in the image below.

After implementing fixes, I managed to address all the issues except one warning which expects heading element in a section where I don't need one, so I consider this not an issue.

The rest of the pages had same issues as HTML page, altough some of them had unique issues such as missing alt tag, misuse of aria-label in breadcrumbs section & warnings for empty headings(which are populated with JS dynamically) The errors are removed from all HTML pages.

  • CSS Validation

Before Validating the CSS I used Autoprefixer to add prefixes to all CSS properties which are not supported by all browser. I have used flex property for most of the elements, so it was crucial to add prefixes to achieve the correct site rendering across browsers.

I have used W3C CSS Validator to validate CSS file. The CSS syntax was correct after the first try.

  • js Validation

I have used JSHint to validate all scripts.

  • main.js - validator returned numerous errors of using let & const variables and object short notation. After a discussion with my mentor, this is not considered the issue.

  • city.js - validator returned numerous errors of using ES6 syntax, which was not considered the issue. The only other issue was function declaration inside of if statement which was used to list relevant hotels for each city. Given the time limit I will have to leave the error as is but to resolve the issue, I would transfer all HTML code to HTML files and achieve better control and use of Javascript file.

  • search-result.js - validator returned warnings for the use of ES6 syntax without extensions.

API Testing

The contact us form is sent through to my personal email address using EmailJS integration. The test is demonstrated below:

Filling in the form

Checking the form submission success in console and inbox

Google maps are used for each city, hotel and company location. Each map is rendering correctly across pages.

Checking city map rendering for Pula city

Checking city map rendering for the first hotel in Pula city

API was retrieved using XMLHttpRequest. The API was tested by converting from Euro to Kuna currency.

JSON parsed object tested in the console.

Testing User Stories

As a First Time visitor, I want to:

i. Easily navigate through the website - this is achieved with the clean navigation both on big and small screens, and breadcrumbs to easily revert to the previous pages.

  • When users land to the website, they have additional options on using the search bar to explore each of the available cities and read about Croatian culture.

ii. Learn more about the company and booking rules - as mentioned before, the website is focused on storytelling which helps the user to understand more about the business and how the booking process works.

  • By visiting Our Company page, the user can find out more about the company in the hero section and the booking process outlined in three steps.

iii. Have a clear separation between services - at the moment there's only one service available (hotel booking), but in future development, it's essential to separate services in a way which ensures easy navigation and understanding of the selected service

  • each city has a dedicated page which contains clear information structure and the available hotel bookings.

iv. Have the support through the website journey - FAQ's are a good starting point to offer support to the users. Additionally, there's scope for help articles & online chat support.

  • Users can access FAQ's section to find the answer to their questions. This could mean saving customers & our time. The section can be accessed by clicking on our company or selecting FAQ's link in the footer section.

v. Have a diverse selection of destinations to choose from - at the moment, destinations are segmented into three regions with each one offering three cities to choose from. Depending on users desire - two of the regions are coast based (generally summer vacation). The third one is focused on the central part of Croatia and more on learning about the Croatian culture.

  • During the research & design phase, I've created an additional page for each region. During the website development, I have decided to remove the extra step in the user's journey to move them more straightforward through the sales funnel and save on the time. Users can access destination options through main navigation, search bar, footer, and most popular destinations section on search results, why Croatia & homepage.

vi. Have detailed information about the chosen location/trip - each destination is propped up with detailed information containing some history, interesting facts and best places to visit.

  • Each city page contains city slideshow images, intro, map and hotel offers. Additionally, the user can use the filtering system to easily segment the hotel offers.

  • Additionally, each hotel contains images, hotel location on the map, hotel intro, price & facilities. User can view city information by navigating through various sections on the website (search bar, main navigation, footer etc.), additionally to see hotel information the user has to select "See More" button.

vii. Easy & Efficient booking process - there are three steps to the booking process. Step one is to select a preferred destination. Step two is to select a hotel in which the user would like to stay and the third step is to fill in a booking form.

  • The booking form can be accessed by selecting "Book Now" under the preferred hotel.

  • Booking popup consits of passanger selection, form & booking summary. User can select for many passengers they would like to make a booking. The price and passenger count are calculated in the booking summary section.

As a Frequent visitor, I want to:

i. Explore different destinations & activities for my next holidays

  • Returning users can easily select desired locations based on their previous experience with the booking process. We need to ensure to let them know if the website UI will be changing because they already have an expectation of the booking proces.

ii. Subscribe to the newsletter to receive company updates & new offers - ensure up to date promotions, and deals are circulated to subscribed users, reward the users who are signed to the newsletter

  • Newsletter section is located above the footer section for simple opt-in. The user has the opportunity to receive discounts and information on new offers. On the other side, we have the chance to increase revenue through the email marketing channel.

iii. Have a seamless booking journey - don't change the interface drastically and launch improvements.

  • Ability to book a hotel on the same page saves the users an extra step in their journey.

Outstanding Bugs

  • Mobile navigation dropdowns can't be closed individually, only when the other dropdown is selected or menu closed. For example, if region Istra is expanded, it can be only closed by selecting other region or closing the dropdown completely.

Fixed Bugs

Dropdown mobile-menu functionality

  • When it was created each of the second level dropdowns would expand and would be closed only on click. This caused issues for menu height, especially at mobile devices, because the rest of the navigation wasn't visible. To fix this, I implemented the functionality to always enable only one dropdown to expand and close others dynamically.

  • Full mobile menu content wasn't visible on the screens < 490px because of the position fixed, which stopped the user from scrolling down.

It's clearly visible the company links (our company, why Croatia & contact us are not visible due to second level dropdown expanding). To fix this, I changed the element to position absolute and increased height of the menu.

The variable map was declared twice in city.js. js validation helped me resolve the issue.

Testing responsiveness

All the pages tested for responsiveness across various screens.

Issues fixed during testing:

  • how it works section (our-company page) - the boxes were shrinking to 33% each, which resulted in a shrunk box on a small height.

Fixed version

  • slideshow arrows across the page weren't visible on-screen widths <490 px, to solve this I implemented position relative and moved them closer to one another.


The site was published using GitPages:

  • All the code was written on the IDE Gitpod and was committed and pushed during the development phase.
  • To publish the site, I have selected "Settings" from the navigation and went to "Github pages" section.
  • I have selected 'Master Branch' under Source option and selected "Save".
  • This created the URL which became live after a certain period of time.


  • All hotel imagery & content was taken from I have reached out to the company and made sure I'm permitted to take the content for the educational purposes.

  • The city intro text, Croatian culture, food, monuments were taken from the below articles:

    1. britannica
    2. lonelyplanet
  • Instructions on how to integrate Google maps API and EmailJS were taken from Code Institute lessons

  • Inspired on how to create default google maps location by my mentor Narender Singh.


  • Huge thanks to Narender Singh for the support and guidance I received during this project.
  • Thanks to the community on Slack and excellent tutor support!
  • Lastly, thanks to Code Institute for brilliant content & oragnisation so far


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