This project expose a REST based API for ProcessOptimizer
If you have Docker installed the API can be started locally, in development mode, by running the script
Alternatively the project can be build and run with the following commands:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements-freeze.txt
python -m optimizerapi.server
Now open http://localhost:9090/v1.0/ui/ in a browser to explore the API through Swagger UI
Unit tetsts are located in the "tests" folder and can be run witht the following command
python -m pytest
or use pytest-watch for continuously running tests
docker build -t process-optimizer-api --build-arg GITHUB_REF_NAME=$(git describe --always) .
Run server once and extract a fresh encryption key from the logs.
python -m optimizerapi.server
or using docker
docker run --rm -it process-optimizer-api
Running using python
FLASK_ENV=production PICKLE_KEY=<key from previous step> python -m optimizerapi.server
or use docker
docker run -d --name process-optimizer-api --env PICKLE_KEY=<key from previous step> -p 9090:9090 process-optimizer-api:latest
The API server supports distributing the calculation tasks using a Redis backed job queue.
To start the API server in "job queue mode" set the environment variable USE_WORKER=true
and start the server and any number of
worker threads using the following commands:
USE_WORKER=true python -m optimizerapi.server
python -m optimizerapi.worker
The Redis server can be controlled through the environment variable REDIS_URL
which defaults to redis://localhost:6379
Time to live and timeout of the workers can be controlled with the following environment variables
Name | Description |
REDIS_TTL | Time to keep results in redis (default=500) |
WORKER_TIMEOUT | Timeout in seconds (default=180) |
The API server supports exposing its functionality to other origins than its own.
To start the API server in "CORS mode" set the environment variable CORS_ORIGIN=.*
and start the server.
This opens up the API server to any origin that might want to request it.
CORS_ORIGIN=.* python -m optimizerapi.server
You might want to lock the origin down a little tighter. The CORS_ORIGIN
is a regular expression and can be used to lock the server to a single host or multiple.
A single specific origin:
CORS_ORIGIN="" python -m optimizerapi.server
All subdomains hosted by
CORS_ORIGIN="https://.*" python -m optimizerapi.server
Two specific origins:
CORS_ORIGIN="(|" python -m optimizerapi.server
API endpoints can be protected by either a static API key or using a Keycloak OIDC server.
The static API key is configured by the environment variable AUTH_API_KEY
Keycloak is configured using the following environement variables
Name | Description |
AUTH_SERVER | Base url of your Keycloak server |
AUTH_REALM_NAME | OAuth realm name |
AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret |
When adding a new dependency, you should manually add it to requirements.txt
and then run the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip freeze | grep --invert-match pkg_resources > requirements-freeze.txt
Now you should check if the freeze operation resulted in unwanted upates by running:
git diff requirements-freeze.txt
After manually fixing any dependencies, you should run:
pip install -r requirements-freeze.txt
Remember to commit both the changed requirements.txt
and requirements-freeze.txt
In order to keep the overhead of maintaining the change log as low as possible this project use a tool to automatically generate as much of the change log as possible.
Before creating a new release please run the following command inside a clean working directory
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator --user BoostV --project process-optimizer-api