This is my personal config for Windows 11. Feel free to use it or fork it.
The config is divided into parts for modularity:
- Package Manager (scoop) - Includes Scoop
- Hotkeys (powertoys) - Includes PowerToys
- Window Manager (glaze) - Includes GlazeWM
- Editor & Terminal (vs) - Includes Visual Studio Code
- Virtual Machine (wsl) - Includes WSL
- Distro (ubuntu) - Includes Ubuntu, Zsh and Git
Note: Installation can be done in no order but ideally in order is better.
To start you must first clone the repository. Run the command below on Ubuntu on WSL to clone the repository.
git clone --recurse-submodules
I also have my list of equipments if you're interested.
If you want to share some ideas you can email me at