A parser for lexical grammars used by jison and jison-lex.
npm install lex-parser
To build the parser yourself, clone the git repo then run:
This will generate lex-parser.js
var lexParser = require("lex-parser");
// parse a lexical grammar and return JSON
lexParser.parse("%% ... ");
The parser can parse its own lexical grammar, shown below:
NAME [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
%s indented trail rules
%x code start_condition options conditions action
<action>[^{}]+ return 'ACTION_BODY'
<action>"{" yy.depth++; return '{'
<action>"}" yy.depth == 0 ? this.begin('trail') : yy.depth--; return '}'
<conditions>{NAME} return 'NAME'
<conditions>">" this.popState(); return '>'
<conditions>"," return ','
<conditions>"*" return '*'
<rules>\n+ /* */
<rules>\s+ this.begin('indented')
<rules>"%%" this.begin('code'); return '%%'
<rules>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ return 'CHARACTER_LIT'
<options>{NAME} yy.options[yytext] = true
<options>\n+ this.begin('INITIAL')
<options>\s+\n+ this.begin('INITIAL')
<options>\s+ /* empty */
<start_condition>{NAME} return 'START_COND'
<start_condition>\n+ this.begin('INITIAL')
<start_condition>\s+\n+ this.begin('INITIAL')
<start_condition>\s+ /* empty */
<trail>.*\n+ this.begin('rules')
<indented>"{" yy.depth = 0; this.begin('action'); return '{'
<indented>"%{"(.|\n)*?"%}" this.begin('trail'); yytext = yytext.substr(2, yytext.length-4);return 'ACTION'
"%{"(.|\n)*?"%}" yytext = yytext.substr(2, yytext.length-4); return 'ACTION'
<indented>.+ this.begin('rules'); return 'ACTION'
"/*"(.|\n|\r)*?"*/" /* ignore */
"//".* /* ignore */
\n+ /* */
\s+ /* */
{NAME} return 'NAME'
\"("\\\\"|'\"'|[^"])*\" yytext = yytext.replace(/\\"/g,'"');return 'STRING_LIT'
"'"("\\\\"|"\'"|[^'])*"'" yytext = yytext.replace(/\\'/g,"'");return 'STRING_LIT'
"|" return '|'
"["("\\\\"|"\]"|[^\]])*"]" return 'ANY_GROUP_REGEX'
"(?:" return 'SPECIAL_GROUP'
"(?=" return 'SPECIAL_GROUP'
"(?!" return 'SPECIAL_GROUP'
"(" return '('
")" return ')'
"+" return '+'
"*" return '*'
"?" return '?'
"^" return '^'
"," return ','
"<<EOF>>" return '$'
"<" this.begin('conditions'); return '<'
"/!" return '/!'
"/" return '/'
"\\"([0-7]{1,3}|[rfntvsSbBwWdD\\*+()${}|[\]\/.^?]|"c"[A-Z]|"x"[0-9A-F]{2}|"u"[a-fA-F0-9]{4}) return 'ESCAPE_CHAR'
"\\". yytext = yytext.replace(/^\\/g,''); return 'ESCAPE_CHAR'
"$" return '$'
"." return '.'
"%options" yy.options = {}; this.begin('options')
"%s" this.begin('start_condition');return 'START_INC'
"%x" this.begin('start_condition');return 'START_EXC'
"%%" this.begin('rules'); return '%%'
"{"\d+(","\s?\d+|",")?"}" return 'RANGE_REGEX'
"{"{NAME}"}" return 'NAME_BRACE'
"{" return '{'
"}" return '}'
. /* ignore bad characters */
<*><<EOF>> return 'EOF'
<code>(.|\n)+ return 'CODE'