Application and library was created to localize mobile robot by Aruco marker, which is placed on the top side of the robot.
For library:
- OpenCV v4.2.0 or later with extra modules (aruco)
- gcc 9.3.0+ or MSVC 19+
- CMake 3.0 or later
Additionally, for application:
- Boost shared memory wrapper v1.2 or later
You can build this package both pure CMake or colcon.
# Create build directory
mkdir build
# Configure as static library
cmake -S aruco_robot_localization/ -B build/
# Build library
cmake --build build/
# Install library
sudo cmake --install build/
Run in your workspace
colcon build --packages-select aruco_robot_localization
You can build and install tests:
# CMake
cmake -S aruco_robot_localization/ -B build/ -DBUILD_TEST=ON
# Colcon
colcon build --packages-select aruco_robot_localization --cmake-args -DBUILD_TEST=ON
If you want to build and install applications:
# CMake
cmake -S aruco_robot_localization/ -B build/ -DBUILD_APP=ON
# Colcon
colcon build --packages-select aruco_robot_localization --cmake-args -DBUILD_APP=ON
Add this lines in your CMakeLists.txt file:
find_package(aruco_robot_localization REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(YOU_TARGET_NAME ${aruco_robot_localization_LIBS})
target_include_directories(YOU_TARGET_NAME ${aruco_robot_localization_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Not needed for CMake >= 2.8.11