Lock Combination Generator A lock combination manufacturer needs to maintain a database of all possible combinations for their locks. You are tasked with writing a program that generates all possible legal combinations within the rules set by the manufacturer.
- Values for a position: A,B,C,D,E
- Number of positions: 6
- Adjacent positions cannot differ by more than 2 (AC and BD are valid adjacent positions; AD is not)
- No more than 3 contiguous positions can have the same value (AAA is OK, AAAA is not)
- No more than 4 of the same value can be in a combination (AABBAA is OK, AAABAA is not)
The manufacturer wants to allow for future expansion, so the number and values of positions must be configurable. (So, your program should be able to handle values up to A-Z, and it should be able to handle 8 positions, or 10, or even more.) The manufacturer will assign a lookup code (starting with 1 and incrementing) to each combination. However, the collection of combinations needs to be randomly shuffled before assigning the lookup codes to them. The output should look something like this:
When writing your code, be sure to utilize proper object-oriented techniques and design. Show appropriate use of class construction.
Analysis, thoughts:
most contiguous walk cuts maintaining high count High = 1 Count = 1 if next is same then increase Count and if greater than high increase High When differnt Count goes back to 1 when all values processed High will contain the highest contiguous least contiguous walk cuts maintainng low count Low is length Count = 1 if next is same then increase Count When differnt if Count < Low then Low = Count and Count goes back to 1 when all values processed low will contain the lowest contiguous most present walk cuts creating hash=> count each number creates a hash of 1 or increases the existing hash by 1 when done compare the hash values for the highest least present walk cuts creating hash=> count each number creates a hash of 1 or increases the existing hash by 1 when done compare the hash values for the lowest max adjacent walk cuts maintaining High macs High = 0 Current = difference between current and previous cut If Current > High then update high advance to next cut until complete min adjacent walk cuts maintaining Low macs Low = (difference first two cuts) Current = difference between current and previous cut If Current < Low then update Low advance to next cut until complete